Are there any plugin in wordpress which automatically count the delivery of prod
1. Finns det n?gon plugin som man kan installera i WordPress s? man kan skriva in olika vikter och sedan fylla i portopriser t.ex postens priser om man vill? Dessa olika vikter som man d? skriver in sparas och sedan ska ju det hela r?knas ut automatiskt vid kassan beroende vilken vikt man skrivit in f?r varje produktartikel. F?r som det nu ?r i Woocommerce som ?r det plugin jag nu anv?nder mig av s? vet jag inte hur man g?r. Om det nu g?r? Jag vet att det finns olika s?tt att skriva in fraktpriser men inte utefter vikt, vilket ?r det jag skulle vilja g?ra. Kanske jag m?ste fixa en ny e handels plugin som st?djer det jag skriver om g?llande vikt, portopriser och automatisk utr?kning vid kassan? Jag vet att man kan g?ra olika chipping classes i produkt/ chipping classes. Och att i Woocommerce/Settings/International delivery s? kan man sedan de shippingclasses man gjort och skriva in priser f?r varje individuell shipping class och spara. Sedan kan man f?r varje produkt: i f?lt ”Produkt data”/flik ”Shipping”/ v?lja just ”chipping class”. Problemet ?r att om l?t s?ga tv? produkter v?ger 2kg respektive 250g, enligt postens taxa s? kostar det att skicka en produkt p? 2 kg d?r postens porto ?r 72kr och en produkt p? 250g d?r postens porto ?r 24kr, i ett paket v?ger de tillsammans 2250g vilket enligt postens taxa kostar 150kr, upp till 3kg. S? min kund skulle d? f? betala 96kr f?r frakt, medan jag f?r betala 150kr till posten. Detta blir en f?rlust f?r mig som s?ljare av produkter, 150kr – 96kr = – 54kr i underskott. S? det funkar ju inte med de funktioner som finns i Woocommerce. D?rf?r skulle jag beh?va en plugin som st?djer automatiska utr?kningar utefter varje produkts vikt som automatiskt l?ggs ihop f?r alla produkter i en best?llning och efter det r?knar ut portot. S? i detta exempel ska f?rst 2kg och 250g l?ggas ihop som blir 2250g. Sedan l?ggs den till en kategori l?t s?ga 150kr upp till 3kg, helt efter postens portotabell. D? betalar kunden r?tt taxa och jag som s?ljare f?rlorar inget p? en automatisk utr?kning som allts? ?r helt korekt utr?knad. Jag s?ker helst gratis e handel plugins. N?gon som har tips p? vilket plugin jag ska fixa och hur det funkar? Och ?r det gratis?
Is there a plugin that you can install in WordPress so you can write in different weights and then fill in porto prices e.g. postal prices if they want to? These different weights which are then incorporated into will be saved and then, after all, the whole is calculated automatically to the cash register depending on the weight is written in for each product article.
For which it is now in Woocommerce which is the plugin I am now using, I do not know what to do. If it is working att all to make it work as I want? I know that there are different ways to write the rates but not in weight, which is what I would like to make.
Perhaps I need to fix a new e commerce plugin that supports what I write about: the weight, porto prices and automatic calculation at Checkout? I know that you can make different chipping classes in product/ chipping classes.
And that in woocommerce /settings/international delivery then you can see the shippingclasses made and write the prices for each individual shipping class and save. You can then for each product in product data/tab shipping/ choose chipping class.
The problem is that, if say two products weighing 2kg and 250g, according to the postal rate it cost to send a product on 2 kg where postal postal is 72kr and a product of 250g where postal is 24kr, in a package weighing together 2250g which according to the postal rate costs 150kr up to 3kg.
So my costumer would then have to pay 96KR for freight, while I must pay 150kr to send the package. This will be a loss for me as sellers of products, 150kr – 96kr – 54kr in deficit. So it does not work as I want, of course, with the functions which are in Woocommerce.
That is why I would need a plugin that supports automatic calculations along each product’s weight that automatically added together for all of the products in an order and then count out a stamp. So in this example, first 2kg and 250g will be added together to become 2250g I weight.
Then put it to a category let say 150kr up to 3KG, completely after the postal table. Then the customer pay right tariff and I as the seller will lose nothing on an automatic calculation which then is quite correct computed. I am looking for any free e-commerce plugins. Any one has any tip on wich plugin I could install in Woocommerce and how it works. And is it for free?2. Hur l?gger jag till mailto l?nk i WordPress?
How do I add mailto link in WordPress?
Tackar f?r all hj?lp i f?rv?g. Thanks for all help in advance.
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