• I’m at my wits’ end on these permalinks and archives. I’ve tried every bit of advice posted here and still I have two problems:

    1. When I mouse-over a title of a blog post, I see that there is a permalink. However, when I click it, it takes me to the top of my blog, no matter which post I click, no matter how old it is.

    2. Same goes for Archives. I click on my June 2001 archive and it takes me to the top of the blog – and my most current post.

    I’ve tried all the .htaccess instructions to the letter but I can’t get this to work on either of my WP blogs.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • There are bigger problems than that. Clicking on your name here we are supposed to go to
    But it says Forbidden for the /mmcblog folder.
    Now, that means there is some redirect in place which is probably not OK, so if the rest of the .htaccess works in the same way… no wonder.

    Thread Starter mmcclary


    Ok, well now I’m really lost. What should I do? What do you mean by a “redirect”?

    So, where is your blog?
    Now everywhere on the above links it displays a 404 Not Found.

    Thread Starter mmcclary


    I just deleted the .htaccess file and was able to reach my blog at https://www.mikemcclary.com

    Thread Starter mmcclary


    I’m still hoping someone can help me with this. I have no permalinks or archive functionality. I’ve deleted the .htaccess files for my blogs and am read to start from scratch…again.

    Where should I start>

    Moderator James Huff


    First, create an empty file with a plain text editor an title it “htaccess“. Then, upload that file to your WordPress directory and rename it to “.htaccess” (notice the new dot in front of the file name). Once you have done that, use your FTP client to set the file’s permissions to 666 (CHMOD 666). Now, go to Options/Permalinks and set your permalinks to this structure:


    Check your links. If they return a 404 (not found error), try this structure:


    More info:



    Please report your successes and/or failures in this thread.

    Thread Starter mmcclary


    Before I do any of that, I have two blogs in separate directories on my server. This may be the dumbest of all dumb questions but I should have a .htaccess file for each blog, with the .htaccess file in the blog folders, correct?

    It’s not a dumb question at all. The answer is yes – WP can write the rules into the .htaccess file if the file is in WP’s root directory. In other words, yes, you’ll have to do what macmanx posted above twice – once for each directory/install.

    Thread Starter mmcclary


    Ok, I did this for one blog and it looks like I have them now, but I guess I need to better understand permalinks. Shouldn’t a permalink link to the specific link on a page? That is, shouldn’t the only post that appears be the one for that permalink? When I click this link ( https://blog.mcclaryco.com/index.php/2005/12/12/welcome-to-the-monday-report/), I see both entries posted to my blog, not the specific post in the permalink.

    I have the same problem with my other blog plus when I click a month in the archive (June 2001, to be precise), it only takes me to the top of my blog – the most current post. Any thoughts on that? I appreciate your help to this point!

    Are you using some kind of weird redirect with masking (cloaking) the real URI/address in the address bar? It seems so to me, and I know WP doesn’t work well with all kind of redirected addresses.

    Thread Starter mmcclary


    Yes, I have my blogs hosted on one server but have separate domain names for them. For example,

    https://www.mikemcclary.com points to https://www.mcclaryco.com/mmcblog


    blog.mcclaryco.com and https://www.themondayreport.com point to https://www.mcclaryco.com/blog

    Is this likely the problem? And can it be fixed?

    I really appreciate your help.

    To be honest – I am not a code wizard and I know even less about server related things. However, since I spend quite a bit of time in this forum (and was cursed with a good memory ?? I remember many cases when permalinks and redirects conflicted. Unfortunately I cannot recall any viable and universal solution.
    Hopefully a .htaccess/code guru will come along and will be able to help you.

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