I’m running WP on a SuSE 9.2 box, Apache 2, PHP4, MySQL. I did my 1.5 install fresh (from scratch – no hiccups or other fussing), default .htaccess generated by WP. Everything else seems to be working just fine; it’s just the bleeping permalinks (and resultant inability to accept comments) that is the hangup. I’ve Googled for possible solutions, and absolutely nothing has worked. I’ve been fiddling with the problem – off and on – for 3 days, and I’m tired of it.
Now I have to decide if it’s time to downgrade back to 1.2, live with no commenting, or (last choice) see if there’s a different package with WP-like features that will actually work on my system. Please understand: I’m not fussing or irate or anything like that. WP is F/OSS, and I’m simply disappointed that it isn’t working the way it should on MY system, and there doesn’t seem to be any available solution to the problem.