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  • Hugo1177


    64*1024*1024? That’s funny.

    I know a lot of backup plugins with problems creating bigger zip archives.

    A workaround would be creating different backups for the bigger directorys e.g. one for wp-content/uploads, one for wp-content/plugins and exclude the bigger ones in then “main”-backup.

    As far as I know the updraftplus plugin makes automatically that split into multiple archives.



    “Great” tool. It’s trying to backup my testside now for 4 days, without finishing, aborting, producing error messages or log-files …

    .. welcome to the new “standards” in coding a programm or application …


    Plugin Contributor Paul de Wouters



    Could you post the info in the Help tab on the BackUpWordPress admin page?
    Also, try updating to the latest version and running a backup annually



    Update done.
    trying a manual file backup …

    for my opinion it seems to stuck by
    “calculating the size of your backup”


    Exactly the same problem here.
    I’ve installed BackUpWordpress on 3 different WordPress installations.

    The archive size is always 64MB even when I try in manual mode.

    I have the same problem, with different backup plugins as well. Tried increasing the Php Memory Limit but that didn’t help. Does anybody have a solution?

    Same problem here

    Plugin Author cuvelier


    Hi all,

    Would it be possible for you to reach out to us through our dedicated BackUpWordPress Support channel by enabling support?

    You can follow this guide on how to do so:


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