Hi @ebedgert,
Could you please share a link to your site?
It is possible to see an archive of all your comics by adding /comics to the end of your site’s URL. For example, this is what that page looks like on the theme’s demo site:
In addition, you can view a listing of comics in a certain category, which gives a listing of each of your comics:
Neither of the above options display a thumbnail alongside a comic, however. In order to get a thumbnail to display alongside a listing of your comics, you would need to experiment a little with HTML and basic PHP.
If you’re fairly comfortable experimenting with the code, then the first step is for you to set up a child theme.
The following guides give good introductions to child themes, including steps to set one up:
After you have created your child theme, copy the parent’s archive-jetpack-comic.php file to your child theme’s directory. I recommend replacing the existing code there with the code from the parent theme’s archive.php file as a starting point.
Let me know if you get to that point and I can then guide you on how to get thumbnails to display.