Hey J Reswob,
Regarding the archive, at the moment we don’t have this option.
If you want it to be at the top of the list, edit the poll, go to “Archive Options” section and in “Archive Order” you can assign the archive a position in the list (1 meaning that it’s at the top of the list). Please note that “1” is the default value so if you want a specific archive to be the first, you have to assign positions in the list for the other archives as well (2 for the second archive, 3 for the third etc).
You can also assign a negative value. If you put -1 that archive will be at the top of the list and you won’t have to position all the other archives (that have “1” as default).
To see the results go to “View Result Options” and choose “After Poll End Date”. This way the results will be available as soon as the poll expires (if you choose “After Vote” the results will not be available when the poll expires – we will fix this at the next release).
Best wishes,
YOP Team