• Dear all,
    I love the wordpress theme Arcadia. So I will use it (basic version for now) for my new website.
    Actually I have three things to be solved before I switch the new site online. And by this I’d kindly like to ask you for help:

    – the Gallery I have created doesn’t show all the pics I have uploaded and of course which I have put in the gallery, whats wrong?

    – the gallery main page shows the header picture I have set. But when I click on one of the pics in the gallery, the same picture in the header appears as on the start page. Where can I set the header picture for the sites when clicking on a gallery pic.

    – Is it possible to remove the big headline and the icon which is shown on the start page. I just want to remove it on several sites, not on the main page of course, where to remove?

    Thanks for helping in advance

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  • I think I can help you with your second and third points. To set a different header picture for the secondary pages or posts, scroll to the bottom of the page (in the editing screen) to where it says Set Image and Remove Image. You can put in a different one there.

    To remove the headline, go to Appearance -> Customize, Site Title and Tagline. Just take the site name/title out of that field and leave it blank. I’m not sure which icon you mean – if you’re talking about the “See More” link which indicates to your users to scroll down, I don’t think there’s any way to remove that.

    Good luck! and I hope someone can answer my question about menus! (posted a couple of days ago).

    Thread Starter Ibr Isizz


    Thanks for your replay.

    First point:
    is done.

    I have already changed the pic in the second page. But as it comes to click on one of the pics in the gallery (as a third page) the header picture changes and the homepage header appears. I would like to keep the header as set for the second page. There is no possibility to set up the header pic on gallery-pic sites. Does anybody know how to?

    When I remove it as you have described, it will be removed everywhere. But I would like to keep the complete Jumbo Headline on my start page.

    And another (fourth) topic came up:
    When I set a widget box on one page, it will appear in all sites. Thats not the sense of a homepage. Does anybody know how to put different widgets on different sites at that theme?

    Sorry, but I really think, that the owner of that optical nice theme has created it as a quick and dirty solution. This theme is not very smart ??
    Thanks for support again!

    Thread Starter Ibr Isizz


    Also to mention, I am just a normal user with a little bit of know how, not a php-programmer.

    I’m working on a fix for the attachment page header issue.

    Thread Starter Ibr Isizz


    OK, will you inform me, when the script is written, that would be great.

    Is there a possibility to change the default text, when I set a password?
    Now it shows:
    “Geschützt:” …

    And then:
    “Dieser Inhalt ist passwortgeschützt. Um ihn anzuschauen, gib bitte dein Passwort unten ein:”

    Which means that you have to fill in the pw. I would like to change the text, for example to inform my visitors how to get the password.
    It would be fine, if you tell me, in which file to change the text. I can find it and replace the text by myself.

    To remove the “See More” you can add at the end of the style.css
    this code:

    .only-on-home #more-site {
    display: none;
    I am still trying to figure out how to get rid of the header from all pages except the first page. when you get it, please post.

    Thank you

    if ( is_page( ‘about’ ) || ‘2’ == $post->post_parent ) {
    // the page is “About”, or the parent of the page is “About”
    $bannerimg = ‘about.jpg’;

    is the shadow in the icon.png ore is it a css code?

    lbr Isizz

    If you want to change the icon below the site title to your own logo?

    1. Upload you own logo via media
    2. Click on the image inside the media uploader and copy the image url
    3. Go Appearance>header.php and find the code:

    <?php if ( $bavotasan_theme_options[‘header_icon’] ) { ?>

    4. After that code insert this one:

    <div id="header-image">
        <a>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?>" rel="home">
           <img align="middle" src="https://sitedomain.nl/wp-content/uploads/yourimage.png" alt="Logo" width="200" height="200"/>

    5. Change to your link, and delete the code after:

    <?php if ( $bavotasan_theme_options[‘header_icon’] ) { ?>

    so delete this one:

    <i class=”fa <?php echo $bavotasan_theme_options[‘header_icon’]; ?>”></i>

    6. After the div code u also have to use a php space code:

    str_repeat(‘?‘, 2);



    This will make sure there is a space between the tagline and your logo!

    7. I think you are now done (i dont know if you can add a shadow into it, maby with css)


    ah lol if you use a png you can make shadow by your self:P forgot that stupid..

    Thread Starter Ibr Isizz


    Hi Christian,
    thanks for all your work.
    Actually I don’t want to change the icon to a logo. But good to know how to do it.

    As Ayut asked as well, I just want to remove the headline on all pages, but not on the start page. Now I will try to work with the code you have given us above.

    As soon as I have solved this matter, I will close the topic.

    Bye for now and thanks again.

    Thread Starter Ibr Isizz


    where do I have to put the code to remove the headline you mentioned above ?
    Which file is it and which place?

    I am just a beginner ??

    1. Go to apearance then editor.
    2. You will find some php code’s at your right.
    3. find header.php
    4. Use this shortkey “ctrl f” and there will appear a search bar.
    5. Copy and paste this code:

    <i class="fa <?php echo $bavotasan_theme_options['header_icon']; ?>"></i>

    The code will be visible with a yellow mark.
    Then delete it.

    6. Then search this code with the sortkey again:

    <?php if ( $bavotasan_theme_options[‘header_icon’] ) { ?>

    7. copy this code:

    <div id="header-image">
        <a>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?>" rel="home">
           <img align="middle" src="https://sitedomain.nl/wp-content/uploads/yourimage.png" alt="Logo" width="200" height="200"/>

    7. select the code.

    How to do this?
    Point your mouse at the beginning of the code
    Then click left mouse button and while holding drag it over the code

    8. paste the code

    9. Update and let me know if it works

    I tried the code above with little modifications and it worked ??

    1) Commented out:
    <i class=”fa <?php echo $bavotasan_theme_options[‘header_icon’]; ?>”></i>

    2) Copy pasted the following:
    <div id=”header-image”>
    <img align=”middle” src=”https://sitedomain.nl/wp-content/uploads/yourimage.png&#8221; alt=”Logo”/>

    Hi there,

    Would it be possible to switch out the icons in the “Home Page Top Area” section for other images?

    Or, instead, to upload background images to then have the buttons lay on top of — this is for an online shop, and I’d love to be able to have an image there of the item for sale.

    Finally, would it be possible to center 3 items? Current I have 3 items up and it looks off as it isn’t centered properly (I assume it would be with 4).

    Thanks very much!

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