• Resolved Bjarne Oldrup


    Well, well, well, that is a pretty sweet balance between being useful, simple and effective. Good job.

    Can you say anything about the approximated database size? How efficient are visits stored? What is the database footprint with say 100,000 visits per month. Is Independent Analytics suitable for a website with that amount of traffic?

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  • Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    Thanks for trying out Independent Analytics!

    IA stores roughly 200-300MB per million sessions. The number of sessions will be higher than Visitors, but less than Views. If we assume 100k sessions/month, then I would expect the DB size to grow by 20-30MB per month. We have an option to automatically delete old data, so you could limit the storage to 1-2 years to prevent the DB size from growing beyond a certain size.

    While it does depend on the quality of the hosting, 100k visitors/month generally loads fine in the Analytics dashboard. We have seen dashboards with 500k that load slowly, but are still manageable. It doesn’t really become a problem unless the site gets millions of visitors, at which point the dashboard can be very slow.

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    Oh, that is totally reasonable numbers, thank you for clearing that up. I’ll give it a spin on my most visited sites then, and keep an eye on performance while at it.

    Btw, in terms of the performance of the tracking script – I found that 1) iawp/search loads in less than 200ms on all the sites I tested (WP 6.6, PHP 8.2) – and – 2) it’s deferred / loaded late at the end along with other unimportant scripts and favicons. As it should be. I still have a comfy speed index in Lighthouse of 1.3 sec on a slow 4g throttled mobile. I’s fine, on my stack, at least.

    Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    Sure thing!

    Thanks for sharing your performance stats. Since it’s deferred, it won’t impact the user experience and it will also allow you to achieve a 100/100 PageSpeed score.

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