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  • When you set up your API key you have to make sure all of your info is correct.
    where are you displaying the shortcode?

    I am having the same issue. Where should the shortcode be placed, in the text editor?


    Well you’re talking about two different things –

    If you want to use LinkedIn Apply Buttons in your template, you must use their code – which is pretty different

    To use the shortcode for this plugin, put it in your post code
    You can try
    <?php echo do_shortcode("[shortcode]"); ?>

    but it might not work.
    You just need to put the API key in the PlugIn Settings in your admin bar, and set your info

    [applywithlinkedin jobtitle="JOB TITLE HERE" companyname="YOUR COMPANY NAME" email="EMAIL ADDRESS HERE" logo="" themecolor="#ff0000" coverletter="required" size="small"]

    I prefer the code honestly…
    Feel free to message me for help – I’m happy to assist ??

    Oh darn, i dont think you can message… ummm – i’ll do my best to help here ??

    Thanks for the help! Yes, Just to clarify, I have the API key in the Plugin Settings. I then pasted the shortcode on a test page and when I preview it, nothing shows up.

    Have you gone into the LinkedIn API section and added your domain to the application?

    You just need the main URL to your page, nothing special.

    I played it safe though and used the following under OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs:,,,,,

    Obvs replace the DOMAIN and PERMALINK with your own, if you don’t have a permalink on your main URL, then leave the last two domains off the list.
    I also added

    JavaScript API Domains:

    Thanks. Do I need the url to my page or url for my entire site. I would assume just the url for my site, otherwise an API would have to be created for each job listing OR would I just list the pages on the site where the plugin is being used, i.e.,, etc.

    Just to your site.
    I added the Permalinks to mine so I can get a few more Keywords into Google SEO

    so if your site was google, use the following:,,,

    So, it’s setup just like you state and it’s still not showing. Any other ideas as to what the issue might be?

    One more thing to note. I viewed the page source and I see the following:

    <script type="IN/Apply" data-jobtitle="Job title" data-email="[email protected]" data-companyname="My Company, Inc." data-themecolor="#ff0000" data-coverLetter="hidden" data-size=""></script>

    However, I noticed that I don’t see the API key. Is that supposed to be present in the code?

    And youre using shortcode? Or placing that script in your template file?

    Is this plugin supposed to work only with the shortcode? Reason I ask is that I was finally able to get it to work using the short code along with adding the this code:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="//">// <![CDATA[
    api_key: 0123456789ABC
    // ]]></script><script type="IN/Apply" data-jobtitle="Job title" data-email="[email protected]" data-companyname="My Company, Inc." data-themecolor="#ff0000" data-coverLetter="hidden" data-size=""></script>

    I added this to the HTML portion of the page and it works. If I remove these scripts/code, the button doesn’t show. If I keep the scripts/code and remove the shortcode, the button doesn’t show.

    I was under the impression, that I just needed to add the shortcode to get it to work.

    Yes haha

    The code you entered is the javascript you get from linkedin developers site

    If the script works you dont need the plugin. The plugin just allows you to use shortcode in your posts.

    Thanks, but that’s not how it’s working. I need both the shortcode and the code from the linkedin developer site to see the button. Also, the email functionality doesn’t seem to be working. Am able to apply for position via the button and I receive a notification that I applied. However, the individual listed in the code doesn’t receive any sort of notification.

    I can assure you, you do not. Try removing the plugin and use linkedins apply via linkedin button generator

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