Apply same filter to the_excerpt
Plugin is working great on Posts/Pages, but I actually need it to be applied to the_excerpt.
Do you think you might want to add this to your plugin?
I’m thinking it’s likely as easy as adding ‘the_excerpt’ to the array of filters in line 71, yes?
I think this is actually the same thing this guy meant a few years ago:
Also – in case you were curious as to another cool use of this plugin – here’s why we need it:
We run a MultiSite installation where our home page aggregates content from all the different blogs in the network, and even though we’re using strip_shortcodes on the excerpts, there’s the quirk that strip_shortcodes only removes actual shortcodes. If a shortcode was generated by a plugin that’s active on a subsite, but not the mainsite, its shortcodes then wouldn’t be stripped out.
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