• Resolved caroso73


    I used to have Paypal plugin for woocommerce before on my web site and I could manually apply a coupon after an order was completed to refund some clients. Since I am using Paypal flow Pro, the button is no longer available in the order and I have to connect to my Paypal account to refund some clients, which is very long. Is there a way I could fix that? Paypal engineer told me to check with Woocommerce people…

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Plugin Support nicw.a11n


    Hi @caroso73

    Could you please share a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”.? Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.

    I’d just like to first of all make 100% sure of which PayPal extension you are using. Or if you know the full name and developer of the extension from your plugins page, just copy that to your reply here, and we don’t need the status report.

    Plugin Support abwaita a11n


    We’ve not heard back from you in a while, so I’m marking this thread as resolved. Hopefully, you were able to find a solution to the issue.

    If you have further questions, please feel free to open a new topic.


    Thread Starter caroso73


    Hi !

    I’ve answer @nicw 1 week ago by replying his email. I did’nt know I also had to answer here.
    I think I will open a new ticket in that case…

    Hello @caroso73 ,

    I’ve answer @nicw 1 week ago by replying his email. I did’nt know I also had to answer here.

    Did you reply to the email that was sent from www.remarpro.com after @nicw replied to your question?

    It should’ve posted the reply in the thread but it looks like there were no replies. You can share the details here that were asked here and we can continue to investigate the problem in this thread as well.

    Thank you ??

    Thread Starter caroso73


    Hi Rashed,

    yes I’ve replied to the email sent from www.remarpro.com after @nickw replied
    to my question. I check the email he sent, and I realize it was a noreply,
    it’s probably why he didn’t get my answer.
    So here is the what he was asking me to provide:
    —–Message d’origine—–
    From: www.remarpro.com Forums
    Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 6:10 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: [www.remarpro.com Forums] Apply a coupon after an order is completed
    using Paypal Pro

    nicw.a11n wrote:

    Hi @caroso73

    Could you please share a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it
    via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for
    support”. Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.

    I’d just like to first of all make 100% sure of which PayPal extension you
    are using. Or if you know the full name and developer of the extension from
    your plugins page, just copy that to your reply here, and we don’t need the
    status report.

    Post Link:

    And my answer was:

    Hi !

    The plugin name is PayPal for WooCommerce: by Angell EYE – 2.5.12

    Here is the status, just in case:

    ### WordPress Environment ###
    WordPress address (URL): https://www.cuisinedudomaine.com
    Site address (URL): https://www.cuisinedudomaine.com
    WC Version: 5.6.0
    REST API Version: ? 5.6.0
    WC Blocks Version: ? 5.5.1
    Action Scheduler Version: ? 3.2.1
    WC Admin Version: ? 2.5.1
    Log Directory Writable: ?
    WP Version: 5.8.1
    WP Multisite: –
    WP Memory Limit: 1 Go
    WP Debug Mode: –
    WP Cron: ?
    Language: fr_FR
    External object cache: –
    ### Server Environment ###
    Server Info: Apache
    PHP Version: 7.3.28
    PHP Post Max Size: 1 Go
    PHP Time Limit: 600
    PHP Max Input Vars: 3000
    cURL Version: 7.71.0
    SUHOSIN Installed: –
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    Max Upload Size: 1 Go
    Default Timezone is UTC: ?
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    Multibyte String: ?
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    Remote Get: ?
    ### Database ###
    WC Database Version: 5.6.0
    WC Database Prefix: wp_
    Taille totale de la base de données: 757.76MB
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    Moteur MyISAM
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    Moteur MyISAM
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    ### Post Type Counts ###
    attachment: 1332
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    order_shipment: 2
    page: 27
    popup: 11
    popup_theme: 11
    post: 4
    product: 454
    product_variation: 194
    revision: 782
    shop_coupon: 39
    shop_order: 33523
    shop_order_refund: 2793
    spucpt: 2
    wafs: 2
    wcct_countdown: 15
    woo_discount: 4
    woo_discount_cart: 3
    ### Security ###
    Secure connection (HTTPS): ?
    Hide errors from visitors: ?
    ### Active Plugins (48) ###
    ManageWP - Worker: par GoDaddy – 4.9.10
    WPML Multilingual CMS: par OnTheGoSystems – 4.4.12
    WPML SEO: par OnTheGoSystems – 2.0.1
    WooCommerce Sale Category: par Webikon (Juraj Kiss) – 0.2
    Admin Menu Editor Pro: par  –
    Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce Free: par Rymera Web Co – 1.6.1
    Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce Premium: par Rymera Web Co – 2.7.3
    Autoptimize: par Frank Goossens (futtta) – 2.9.2
    WooCommerce Continue Shopping: par HappyKite – 1.4.3
    Elementor: par Elementor.com – 3.4.3
    EWWW Image Optimizer: par Exactement WWW – 6.2.4
    Facebook for WooCommerce: par Facebook – 2.6.4
    Finale Evergreen Campaigns: par XLPlugins – 1.3.0
    Finale - WooCommerce Sales Countdown Timer & Discount Plugin: par
    XLPlugins – 2.18.0
    Product Sales Report Pro for WooCommerce: par Aspen Grove Studios – 2.2.11
    Jetpack: par Automattic – 10.0
    Login LockDown: par Michael VanDeMar – v1.8.1
    MC4WP : Mailchimp pour WordPress: par ibericode – 4.8.6
    MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress Premium: par ibericode – 4.8.19
    Meta Tag Manager: par Marcus Sykes – 2.2
    PayPal for WooCommerce: par Angell EYE – 2.5.12
    Popup Maker: par Popup Maker – 1.16.2
    Popup Maker - MailChimp Integration: par Popup Maker – 1.3.5
    PW WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro: par Pimwick
    LLC – 1.326
    Change Storefront Footer Copyright Text: par QuadLayers – 1.0.6
    Woo Discount Rules: par Flycart – 2.3.8
    WooCommerce Advanced Free Shipping: par Jeroen Sormani – 1.1.4
    WooCommerce Checkout Fields & Fees: par Lagudi Domenico – 7.2
    Print Invoice & Delivery Notes for WooCommerce: par Tyche Softwares – 4.6.4
    WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway: par WooCommerce – 2.1.2 (une mise à
    jour de la version 2.1.3 est disponible)
    WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: par WooCommerce – 5.4.1
    WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro: par SkyVerge – 1.10.0 (une mise à jour de
    la version 1.11.0 est disponible)
    WooCommerce Multilingual: par OnTheGoSystems – 4.11.7
    WooCommerce Product Dependencies: par SomewhereWarm – 1.2.7
    WooCommerce Shipping & Tax: par WooCommerce – 1.25.18
    WooCommerce - ShipStation Integration: par WooCommerce – 4.1.45 (une mise à
    jour de la version 4.1.46 est disponible)
    WooCommerce - Store Exporter Deluxe: par Visser Labs – 4.9
    WooCommerce: par Automattic – 5.6.0 (une mise à jour de la version 5.7.1 est
    Yoast SEO: par L’équipe Yoast – 17.1
    WP Mail SMTP: par WPForms – 3.0.3
    WP Rocket: par WP Media – 3.9.3
    WPML Media: par OnTheGoSystems – 2.6.5
    WPML String Translation: par OnTheGoSystems – 3.1.10
    WPML Translation Management: par OnTheGoSystems – 2.10.8
    WPML Widgets: par Jeroen Sormani – 1.0.6
    WPS Hide Login: par WPServeur
    wpformation – 1.8.6
    Product Import Export for WooCommerce Add-on: par Webtoffee – 1.0.5
    Import Export pour WooCommerce Wrapper: par WebToffee – 1.0.8
    ### Inactive Plugins (1) ###
    PW WooCommerce Gift Cards: par Pimwick
    LLC – 1.186
    ### Dropin Plugins (1) ###
    advanced-cache.php: advanced-cache.php
    ### Must Use Plugins (1) ###
    ManageWP - Worker Loader: par GoDaddy – 1.0.0
    ### Settings ###
    API Enabled: –
    Force SSL: –
    Currency: CAD ($)
    Currency Position: right
    Thousand Separator: .
    Decimal Separator: ,
    Number of Decimals: 2
    Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
    grouped (grouped)
    pw gift card (pw-gift-card)
    simple (simple)
    variable (variable)
    Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
    exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
    featured (featured)
    outofstock (outofstock)
    rated-1 (rated-1)
    rated-2 (rated-2)
    rated-3 (rated-3)
    rated-4 (rated-4)
    rated-5 (rated-5)
    Connected to WooCommerce.com: ?
    ### WC Pages ###
    Base de la boutique: #5 - /
    Panier: #40639 - /panier-2/
    Commander: #40640 - /commander/
    Mon compte: #40641 - /mon-compte-2/
    Conditions générales de vente et d’utilisation: ? Page non définie
    ### Theme ###
    Name: Storefront
    Version: 3.8.1 (une mise à jour de la version 3.9.1 est disponible)
    Author URL: https://woocommerce.com/
    Child Theme: ? – Si vous modifiez WooCommerce sur un thème parent que vous n’avez
    pas construit personnellement
    nous vous recommandons d’utiliser un thème enfant. Voir : Comment créer un
    thème enfant
    WooCommerce Support: ?
    ### Templates ###
    Overrides: –
    ### Action Scheduler ###
    Terminé: 5 113
    Oldest: 2021-08-30 12:03:18 -0400
    Newest: 2021-09-29 18:44:15 -0400
    échoué: 62
    Oldest: 2020-04-11 09:36:27 -0400
    Newest: 2020-04-19 20:00:00 -0400
    En attente: 4
    Oldest: 2021-09-30 00:22:11 -0400
    Newest: 2021-09-30 12:14:12 -0400
    ### Templates ###
    Extended logging mode for Store Exporter Deluxe: ?Inactive Turn on Logging
    Debugging mode for Store Exporter Deluxe: ?Inactive Turn on Debugging mode
    Scheduled Export to FTP: ?
    Scheduled Export to SFTP: ? The required SFTP functions are not available;
    ssh2_sftp(). Contact your hosting provider.
    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2021-09-29 19:18:55 -04:00
    -----Message d'origine----- 
    From: www.remarpro.com Forums
    Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 11:27 AM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: [www.remarpro.com Forums] Apply a coupon after an order is completed 
    using Paypal Pro
    Rashed Ripon (a11n) wrote:
    Hello @caroso73 ,
    I’ve answer @nicw 1 week ago by replying his email. I did’nt know I also had 
    to answer here.
    Did you reply to the email that was sent from www.remarpro.com after @nicw 
    replied to your question?
    It should've posted the reply in the thread but it looks like there were no 
    replies. You can share the details here that were asked here and we can 
    continue to investigate the problem in this thread as well.
    Thank you ??
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