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  • Hi there @zsaqadra !

    Thanks for getting in touch about Apple Pay on our Braintree for WooCommerce plugin, and for sharing the screenshot there as well!

    This looks like the expected placement for the Apple Pay cart button by default, although I can see how moving it down below the “Proceed to Checkout” button might provide a more natural flow to the page, especially when the Paypal Checkout button is there as well.

    While we don’t have a built-in way to relocate this button, this may be achievable with some additional customization. I should note that such customization wouldn’t be covered under the terms of our support policy, though I’m happy to provide some recommendations to get you going in the right direction!

    I’ve reached out to our engineers for insight on our options here and will let you know what I hear back.

    All the best,

    Hello again!

    I spoke with our engineers and I’m afraid we don’t currently have a hook in place that would allow the positioning of this button to be easily changed by code.

    However, we’d like to put together a short snippet for this as we think it’s something that could be widely useful to anyone with an Apple Pay implementation. We’ll need a bit more time to get this together, though I wanted you to know it’s being worked on!

    I expect to have an update for you on this by the end of the week, so I’ll be sure to follow up then. Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions or concerns in the meantime!


    Hi there!

    Following up here to let you know that we’ve looked into this further and unfortunately it looks like our code doesn’t currently allow for the Apple Pay button to be relocated cleanly. Unfortunately these buttons are rendered as part of a protected class that we would not be able to relocate with a simple snippet, and as such would require some more in-depth development work to free this up.

    I’ve logged a request to improve this functionality for a potential future release. This is passed along to our product team to review, and while I can’t say if or when this might make it on our roadmap, I wanted you to know we appreciate you bringing up this opportunity to improve our gateway here!

    In the meantime, you may be able to do some limited re-ordering of these cart buttons with some additional CSS. This will depend largely on your site’s theme and other stylings, and I’m afraid we aren’t able to assist with that kind of customization directly, though in my research the flex-direction property seemed the most promising, which you can find documented here.

    I’m sorry that I don’t have better news for you on this, though I hope it’s helpful to know where things stand! I’ll go ahead and mark this thread as resolved, but feel free to reach out with a followup if you have any other questions, we’re happy to help!

    All the best,

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