Appearance > Widgets goes blank with CPTUI activated
I went to edit one of my widgets, and noticed that the admin screen is blank – I can’t see any of my widgets. I have the latest versions of WordPress and CPTUI. If I deactivate CPTUI, my widgets show again.
Impossible for us to know without getting some sort of logged errors from you. We don’t have any specific or known issues with regards to the widget screen, and it may very well also depend on what post type or taxonomy slugs may be getting registered.
Errors could be coming from either the server and PHP logs, or it could also be some sort of javascript based error in a browser developer console.
I have gone through the site, working with tech support at our web host to try everything and watch for any sort of clue as I repeatedly reloaded the Widgets admin page that has the missing UI. Thus far:
There are no console errors, so it does not appear to be a front-end UI issue.
There are no Apache, or PHP errors in those logs.
With the site in debug mode, no errors are appearing.
I tried switching to a core theme, and I deactivated every plugin but CPTUI, but the problem still persisted. As soon as I deactivated CPTUI, the widgets reappeared on my admin screen.
What do you advise as a next step in troubleshooting?
Probably my next question would be what content types are you registering, most specifically around the topic of the post type slugs.
You should be able to use the CPTUI > Tools menu item to get to a page with some tabs on them, and copy/paste the blob of content on the right hand side, for some quick backup of settings for both post types and taxonomies. Then you could do an import of this specific value:
to override the settings and remove just the CPTUI settings. YOU WON’T lose the content you’ve created thus far. Feel free to run a database backup anyway, if worried. It’ll just reset the CPTUI settings. The backed up settings can be re-imported later to restore things to where they were.The idea here is to reset CPTUI’s settings back to zero to see if the widgets screen works at that time, before any content types were created. If yes, then we know it’s potentially from one of the content types, and all that’s left is figuring out which one.
ALTERNATELY If you want to paste the post type/taxonomy blobs of content to me, I can try on a dev install and see if I can notice anything potentially peculiar or try and recreate myself.
I tried what you described, and the widgets admin reappeared.
So I reformatted the exported JSON and scanned through it visually. Lots of posts types, but not a lot of settings are set. My initial reaction: could using the name “Sidebar” for a post type be causing some kind of collision? If so, what’s the best way to remedy it? Doesn’t renaming a CPT end up copying everything? That will break some of my hardcoded inclusions of those in my template files.
The JSON dump:
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Definitely appears to be the “sidebars” post type. Once I imported everything, I confirmed that the widget page broke and never showed anything.
Once I deleted just the “sidebars” post type, it worked again.
This is one that I’m going to want to add to the reserved slugs list, to be honest, as I’d prefer not to have people encountering this going forward.
Doesn’t renaming a CPT end up copying everything? That will break some of my hardcoded inclusions of those in my template files.
Renaming a post type only duplicates the settings, with the new slug. However, you’d want to make sure to check the “Migrate posts to newly renamed post type?” option as well to have the posts in the post type automatically update to the new slug. That said as well, yes, you’d need to modify your templates to refer to the new slug. Hopefully there’s not too many places.
I followed your suggestion, and it was an easy fix. +1 on adding that to the reserved slug list.
Awesome to hear.
Let us know if you need anything else.
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