• Hi, I have a site with 3 languages (using WPML) and now the APL shortcodes for my third language won′t display.

    It is working fine in the fist two languages.

    I have tried to set the shortcode from the other languages (that I know is working) – and it still won′t show!!

    Do you think you can help me with this?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by sigrunsig.
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  • Plugin Author EkoJR


    It is possible you found a defect/bug. WPML is a fairly new addition, but I remember working on a similar issue in the past.

    However, there is one other recent issue that does have a troubleshoot. If a Post List slug is similar to any other slug in any post type, and a plugin is hooking into pre_get_posts. Then changing the Post List Slug to a unique name may solve the issue. Altho, you should not need to change each language slug…just the post list.

    Your case seems to be different, and similar to a past issue I remember. So in that regards…

    * The language that is not working, is that the base language for the site?
    * Are you displaying languages based on the subdomain?
    * You mention shortcodes not working. Are you referring to ‘Internal Shortcodes’, or the post_list shortcode?
    * If ‘Internal Shortcode’ is suspected, are you able to confirm other parts of the design being rendered, but does NOT show any data from the ‘internal shortcodes’? For example, if you save [post_title] Foobar you would seefoobar.

    WPML Support was released slightly early. Since the next release (v0.5) already had plans to enhance the rendering capabilities and refine the functionality on the admin side, BUT with the changes in v0.4…it would be a lot easier for others if WPML was added now, and then work out the kinks anyways.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by EkoJR.
    Thread Starter sigrunsig


    Hi and thank you for your fast response.

    The thing is that before the WPML update came for the plugin, I made each post list in the language that I needed to use, I didn′t translate them. So when I had a shortcode named [post-list-news] e.g I copied that and renamed that one [post-list-news-dk] and used the same requests only with danish text in <p> tags and so forth – for Danish version. Just so you have the idea about how i use my shortcode. And that worked fine, until recently.

    I will work on the translations when I have fixed the display problem with the swedish language.

    Now to answer your queastions:

    *The language that is not working is my third language, so no not my primery language (that is English)
    *I am desplaying languages in – different languages in directories.
    *I guess my internal shortcodes are not showing. Because when I try to display any other APL shortcodes, that is working in my other languages, it won′t display it. BUT it displays other shortcodes form other plugins, like buttons e.g.

    Here is the link to our website: https://rodantech.com/ The sweadish language is hidden.

    I use Adv. post list for: Products / News / Industries (exl. the front page).

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Best regards.

    Plugin Author EkoJR


    One of the things I love about APL is the encapsulation, but it also makes it very hard to find lol.

    It looks like the Design data used for rendering isn’t loading, and it looks like a bug, but it’s hard to tell if it could be a conflict in particular.

    The only solution I can think of until this is completely resolved, is to use only the parent design. No WPML edits to post lists. Unfortunately, you will have to use 1 language, but I think it is possible to still query posts of different languages.

    Thread Starter sigrunsig


    Thank you for your answer, I am not sure what you mean, I am sorry. >.<

    Would you mind explain a bit more?

    Plugin Author EkoJR


    It’s basically using the parent/main post list. Instead of using WPML Manage by clicking on ‘Edit Translation(s) of this Design’ at the bottom of the Display Settings. Just use the Display settings as is.

    Translations would still be hindered, but it shouldn’t defunct it. The query should work with multiple languages, but the design is stuck with the parent until a fix can be added.

    Thread Starter sigrunsig


    Hi, thank you!

    But it doesn′t work, I am sorry.
    And I don′t use the Translation part of this plugin.

    That is what I did in the first place, I have e.g
    [post_list name=’rodan-list-products-h1′] for the english version, then I copied that and named it [post_list name=’rodan-list-products-h1-dk’] and translateded the small text that I display before. That worked fine.

    Now it′s all messed up, the only way to display the danish language shortcode is to have the danish flag selected (in the black top bar – not the Edit Translation part of the plugin ) then open Adv. Post List, and select the the danish list name e.g [post_list name=’rodan-list-products-h1-dk’] – save the settings and then it shows.

    If I select the [post_list name=’rodan-list-products-h1-dk’] with the english flag selected the Display settings are eampty.

    Now if I take all the Display settings from this list (Danish flag) and move the to the same list (English flag) and delete them from the the danish flag – it won′t show!

    But nothing happens in the swedish version. I can′t display anything there.

    I wounder if it is possible to go back to older version of the pulgin, where everything was working, until this had been sorted out?

    Best regards.

    Plugin Author EkoJR


    That’s quite a bit, and thank you for explaining.

    Yes, it is possible to revert back to the old version, but I believe what you had mentioned is an intended concept.

    Now it′s all messed up, the only way to display the danish language shortcode is to have the danish flag selected (in the black top bar – not the Edit Translation part of the plugin ) then open Adv. Post List, and select the the danish list name e.g [post_list name=’rodan-list-products-h1-dk’] – save the settings and then it shows.

    This is an intended effect to be more compatible with WPML, which is being manipulated by WPML’s pre-query, and WPML does have a method to query other languages, but I think I may have to add additional settings for individual post lists as well.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by EkoJR. Reason: Correction
    Thread Starter sigrunsig



    Would it be possible for you to send me the plugin version (where there is was not possible to translate) so I can test it and see if that works for me, it just we are marketing our products to swedsih market right now and I would love it the site (swedish) was live.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author EkoJR


    The last version prior to WPML support was 0.3.7.

    1. At WP.org Plugin Page, go to Advanced View.
    2. Towards the bottom, there will be a ‘Previous Versions’.
    3. Select ‘0.3.7’ from the dropdown, and click download.

    Understand the need to have certain functionality, and will try to notify you when additional settings have been put into place for that type of effect.

    Thread Starter sigrunsig


    Ok. Thank you ??

    I would highly appreciate that.

    Have a good day.

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