• In order to connect my YouTube channel to my blog I need an API URL. In their example it looks something like this: API URL (https://your blog’s URL/xmlrpc.php).

    I have my API number.

    My blog URL is: https://make-money-online-marketing.com

    How do I configure my blog’s API URL number?

    Here is the page that requires it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/account#sharing/blogs

    Click the “Add A Blog” button and then I selected the “WordPress Self-Hosted” under the “Blog Service:” drop down arrow.

    I have everything figured out except exactly what to type in for the “API URL:” field.

    Please help.

    Casey Peacock

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  • I keed getting this message in the youtube setup:

    Friendster: Your username is your email address.
    WordPress.com: Requires your blog’s url (blogname.wordpress.com) if it is not username.wordpress.com

    what to do???

    i changed the settings and tried using these url’s:


    here’s the message I got.

    Specific Blog Host Requirements:
    Friendster: Your username is your email address.
    WordPress.com: Requires your blog’s url (blogname.wordpress.com) if it is not username.wordpress.com.
    WordPress Self-Hosted: Requires an API key and the API URL (https://your blog’s URL/xmlrpc.php).


    I’m getting this same problem:

    “Friendster: Your username is your email address.
    WordPress.com: Requires your blog’s url (blogname.wordpress.com) if it is not username.wordpress.com”

    what to do???

    And I did all the suggestion provided above: setting, API key, API URL–what gives?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    If you have your own self-hosted WP site, then you should choose “WordPress Self-Hosted”.

    The API URL is your blog’s address + xmlrpc.php. Like this: https://example.com/blog/xmlrpc.php

    The API Key is irrelevant, ignore it or fill it in with gibberish, it doesn’t matter. We’ve told them about this before, they never have fixed it. Self-hosted blogs do not need an API Key for YouTube.

    You’ll also need to install the YouTube brackets plugin on your site, you make YouTube’s post features work properly.

    Also, on your blog’s Settings->Writing page, turn on the XML-RPC setting.

    Thanks, Otto42. Also included your actions, and uploaded YouTube plugin and still same error message:

    “An error has occurred. Message: Unknown”

    Thanks to RXmdmarketingpro and julesmoretti !!!

    I hope someone in WordPress Support will take note of julesmoretti’s and RXmdmarketingpro’s correct answers. After searching the WP forums for the past two hours I know there are a lot of frustrated users who need this info.

    @ RxMDMarketingPro I cant believe i forgot the most important step. i guess you cant publish much via XML-RPC if the XML-RPC option is disabled… DUH thanks again

    for all those that may come here lost, make sure you do what RxMDMarketingPro says, then follow julesmoretti’s instructions



    YES! Follow the instructions from RxMDMarketingPro for that last little (or first little) crucial step! It works!



    Thank you to all contributors for these helpful & timesaving pointers.

    I thought to post a couple little additions of my own:

    * Before selecting the final ‘Add Blog’ button in You Tube, ensure you’ve logged out of WordPress (otherwise it just whirs round and round doing nothing).

    * If anyone’s trying to do this who has a static WordPress homepage, rather than a blog WordPress homepage, I confirm it’s is still the root domain that YouTube is after for the API URL, ie: use https://example.com/xmlrpc.php, not https://example.com/my-blog-contents-page/xmlrpc.php. Or at least, that’s what finally worked for me!



    Thank you all for sharing your experience on this, particularly to RxMDMarketingPro and heatherinbeautifulbc

    I got stuck for hours with it and then I followed your information. It worked! My blog https://www.deepconnection.net is now linked to my YouTube. I am so happy!

    Thanks again

    I believe this service has been taken away from youtube. Just when i finally found some info on how-to after a year :(.

    It isn;t any wander with the difficulties it was.

    Some brilliant info came from some ppl here b.t.w.

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