• Resolved lacfinusa


    MailChimp was working fine, but suddently cannot connect.
    The API status is showing “Not Connected” but not showing any error message.
    Tried new API still not working.

    My webhost checked the PHP CURL version and it is fine.

    He also helped to find the debug log is showing “ERROR: Form 99 > MailChimp API error: 503 Service Unavailable”. According to MailChimp, we will see this error when your account is under compliance review. but I did not receive any email or notification from MailChimp regarding compliance review.


Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)
  • It looks like this MailChimp plugin for WordPress can not be used on some shared hosting services, such as BlueHost.

    I have the same problem that the status is NOT CONNECTED when I try to install my new API key for my MailChimp account. I discovered that this is because my hosting service (BlueHost) provides PHP-cURL version 7.24.0 and they will not upgrade it to anything newer because I have a shared hosting account. They say my PHP-cURL version is only 3 years old.

    I guess the only solution is to change my hosting company? It seems strange that MailChimp is incompatible with such a popular hosting service.

    Plugin Contributor Lap



    cURL 7.24 is released on January 24 2012 (and 7.25 in March that year).
    For webserver software 4.5 years is a long time!

    The solution would indeed be to switch to another hosting provider.

    While I understand it seems strange to you that we don’t support 4.5 year old hosting software, to me it honestly seems strange that BlueHost is not willing to update their cURL on at least 1 of their servers and then move clients that ask for this to that server. But of course I don’t know much about the inner workings of BlueHost, I’m sure they have a good reason.

    I’m sorry I don’t have better news for you on this.

    I’m having the same problem on two of my servers. In my log I see:

    Form 3552 > MailChimp API error: 503 Service Unavailable

    The problem is definitely something between my server and MailChimp, as also the Easy Digital Downloads Mailchimp plugin has stopped working (but it doesn’t have a log…). All was working up to a few days ago, my host’s cURL has not been downgraded (I don’t have SSH access, but had this plugin working for a couple of years and the host is not upgrading anything). My host is PlusNet (UK).

    Do you have any suggestion on changes/tests to get better messages to help us understand what’s going on, as it seems that the problem is quite widespread?

    Many thanks!

    Plugin Contributor Lap


    Hi Marcop68,

    I actually don’t think the problem is widespread, with 700.000+ active installs we are bound to have some networking related issues here and there that are out of our control.

    Can you please check your cURL version trough this plugin:
    Just install, click on the phpinfo() link and ctrl+f (find): cURL.

    Please let me know what version you are on before we look further into this.

    Besides the cURL version it could be the firewall on either your hosting providers side or the MailChimp side blocking the call. Especially on shared hosting this can happen as you don’t have control over what other users do on that shared IP.

    My provider disabled phpinfo… I’ve tried all day yesterday to have it enabled, but no joy… ?? But, as I said, I had the plugin run for the past two years without a problem. I’ve also enabled the “usage tracking”, so you may already have the cURL version I use.

    However, I’m using:
    cURL version 7.36.0
    cURL SSL version OpenSSL/1.0.1e

    Do you have any suggestions on checking whether my site’s IP is blocked on MailChimp side?

    I’ll try other things later today.

    Hi, I’ve the same problem.
    I checked the cURL version with “wordpress php info”:


    cURL support enabled
    cURL Information 7.47.1
    Age 3
    AsynchDNS Yes
    CharConv No
    Debug No
    GSS-Negotiate No
    IDN Yes
    IPv6 No
    krb4 No
    Largefile Yes
    libz Yes
    NTLM Yes
    NTLMWB Yes
    SSL Yes
    SSPI No
    TLS-SRP No
    Protocols dict, file, ftp, ftps, gopher, http, https, imap, imaps, ldap, ldaps, pop3, pop3s, rtsp, smb, smbs, smtp, smtps, telnet, tftp
    Host x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
    SSL Version OpenSSL/1.0.1e
    ZLib Version 1.2.3
    the version of plugin i use is 4.0.3

    please help me.

    Hi! It may be that the problem is due to the MailChimp account being under “compliance review”. On checking MailChimp’s API documentation here: https://developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/guides/error-glossary/, error 503 is “Compliance Related”.

    I’ve managed to dump the MailChimp response to the plugin, and it contains a nice HTML message to reach out to MailChimp, with an incident number. Below, the response, obfuscated in the sensitive data:

    [29-Aug-2016 13:44:05 UTC] array(6) {
      object(Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary)#5178 (1) {
        array(7) {
          string(6) "Apache"
          string(9) "text/html"
          string(45) ""2c04e24a413fe3bbXXXXXXXXXX46841:1427XXXX35""
          string(15) "Accept-Encoding"
          string(4) "gzip"
          string(13) "max-age=86366"
          string(29) "Mon, 29 Aug 2016 13:44:05 GMT"
      string(9768) "<!DOCTYPE html>
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6.961-24.266 12.979-35.566 18.94-35.566 5.839.045 6.387 10.718 6.855 29.578l.029 1.321c.143 6.599.378 9.515 4.479 9.547 3.107 0 3.883-2.44 5.49-8.455.306-1.15.644-2.407 1.033-3.764 5.621-19.504 10.28-27.459 16.084-27.459 4.966.039 5.242 5.158 5.333 6.84.194 3.605-.178 7.377-.537 11.019-.333 3.385-.677 6.883-.548 10.142.306 7.63 4.482 11.859 11.762 11.917 9.451.001 17.981-11.051 25.452-32.844l.519-1.518.592 1.491c1.355 3.421 3.121 8.06 4.757 13.592l.062.211-.091.201c-7.233 16.062-12.338 33.954-12.409 43.511-.095 12.592 5.603 20.773 14.514 20.842l.153.001c4.85 0 16.153-1.945 16.372-19.963.086-7.387-1.655-17.828-5.183-31.039l-.403-1.511 1.303.865c4.501 2.988 9.577 4.588 14.681 4.626zm-243.564-61.098c.203-4.514.582-8.911 1.122-13.065 3.494-26.786 10.797-45.493 17.759-45.493h.03c3.318.025 4.979 2.534 4.941 7.457-.092 12.094-7.753 29.408-22.773 51.463l-1.174 1.726.095-2.088zm221.96 96.301c-1.108 1.473-2.65 2.221-4.582 2.221-2.218-.017-3.886-.794-5.019-2.307-3.176-4.246-2.281-14.219 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2.225-36.983.583-17.743-1.815-29.161-7.333-34.908-2.977-3.1-6.916-4.626-12.045-4.665h-.136c-19.243 0-28.461 32.454-35.173 55.355-2.026 6.912-6.021 22.505-8.686 33.165l1.579-2.569c1.186-13.421 4.614-47.044 4.389-65.284-.241-19.568-6.758-28.342-21.129-28.452h-.177c-7.677 0-13.003 3.816-16.12 7.017-5.003 5.138-8.121 12.645-7.947 19.128.104 3.942 2.524 7.45 4.357 7.45 1.194 0 1.854-1.594 2.143-2.543 4.446-14.7 10.198-21.845 17.585-21.845 3.064.024 5.342.927 7.05 2.759 5.77 6.19 4.72 22.904 2.817 53.246-.614 9.778-1.308 20.858-1.896 33.461-.101 2.162-.235 4.252-.363 6.237-.561 8.754-1.005 15.668 2.314 16.183 4.319.673 7.131-1.079 8.568-5.355 2.134-6.344 6.918-23.681 16.177-55.363 8.883-30.401 15.595-41.463 24.183-41.463 9.92 0 10.659 17.034 8.84 52.979-.386 7.619-.906 16.251-1.303 25.646-.056 1.319-.119 2.597-.179 3.829-.382 7.775-.684 13.915 1.537 16.269.693.73 1.637 1.093 2.883 1.102 4.3 0 5.593-3.772 7.735-10.021.379-1.105.781-2.281 1.229-3.516 14.737-40.648 25.632-75.916 40.256-75.916 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    <div class='message'>
    <h1>Request Blocked.</h1>
    <p>We had to block your request because of something that looked suspicious. Please reach out to support: <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Incident Number: 00.24XXXX8.14XXXXXX45.175XXXX3">[email protected]</a>
    <br /><br />
    <em><span>Reference Number: 00.24XXXX8.14XXXXXX45.175XXXX3</span></em>
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6.961-24.266 12.979-35.566 18.94-35.566 5.839.045 6.387 10.718 6.855 29.578l.029 1.321c.143 6.599.378 9.515 4.479 9.547 3.107 0 3.883-2.44 5.49-8.455.306-1.15.644-2.407 1.033-3.764 5.621-19.504 10.28-27.459 16.084-27.459 4.966.039 5.242 5.158 5.333 6.84.194 3.605-.178 7.377-.537 11.019-.333 3.385-.677 6.883-.548 10.142.306 7.63 4.482 11.859 11.762 11.917 9.451.001 17.981-11.051 25.452-32.844l.519-1.518.592 1.491c1.355 3.421 3.121 8.06 4.757 13.592l.062.211-.091.201c-7.233 16.062-12.338 33.954-12.409 43.511-.095 12.592 5.603 20.773 14.514 20.842l.153.001c4.85 0 16.153-1.945 16.372-19.963.086-7.387-1.655-17.828-5.183-31.039l-.403-1.511 1.303.865c4.501 2.988 9.577 4.588 14.681 4.626zm-243.564-61.098c.203-4.514.582-8.911 1.122-13.065 3.494-26.786 10.797-45.493 17.759-45.493h.03c3.318.025 4.979 2.534 4.941 7.457-.092 12.094-7.753 29.408-22.773 51.463l-1.174 1.726.095-2.088zm221.96 96.301c-1.108 1.473-2.65 2.221-4.582 2.221-2.218-.017-3.886-.794-5.019-2.307-3.176-4.246-2.281-14.219 2.9-32.335.618-2.158 1.29-4.335 2-6.465l.604-1.806.528 1.829c6.04 20.903 7.241 33.977 3.569 38.863zm1.876-53.556l-.11-.201-.219-.696.103-.208c6.886-14.187 14.774-22.319 21.64-22.319h.071c7.752.06 13.112 7.034 13.036 16.957-.051 6.627-2.97 10.439-5.407 12.47-2.783 2.32-6.49 3.646-10.17 3.646-9.071-.065-15.299-5.284-18.944-9.649zM695.394 88.705v0zM234.858 127.542c10.627-.854 19.059-15.306 22.19-21.48l.807-1.593.305 1.76c1.502 8.688 6.227 23.282 21.009 23.394l.00.24dedd58.1472478245.175b8fc3.001c6.392 0 13.646-3.91 20.976-11.304l.538-.545.392.656c4.934 8.252 11.554 12.636 18.6 12.276 10.376-.537 16.673-7.895 17.228-12.999.142-1.3-.204-2.522-.946-3.353-.934-1.042-2.288-1.159-3.285-.209l-.472.45c-2.417 2.321-6.918 6.642-11.819 6.896-6.004.295-10.444-3.297-13.314-10.703l-.119-.309.202-.265c16.509-21.595 28.096-54.545 26.952-76.642-.527-10.229-3.502-22.422-14.672-22.422-.273 0-.551.007-.833.023-4.279.22-8.171 2.258-11.566 6.058-10.364 11.595-15.789 40.137-13.82 72.714.409 6.77 1.583 13.093 3.493 18.796l.107.315-.218.257c-6.125 7.16-12.171 11.104-17.02 11.104-11.671 0-11.277-19.564-10.355-35.795.2-3.498.495-5.726-.54-6.993-.74-.907-1.978-1.355-3.781-1.369h-.212c-4.15 0-5.018.853-7.146 7.015-4.419 12.805-13.146 34.291-21.922 34.291-2.434-.021-4.291-.852-5.56-2.473-4.258-5.436-1.026-18.99 1.571-29.882.468-1.959.917-3.839 1.299-5.578.569-2.583.395-4.47-.52-5.608-.912-1.135-2.741-1.599-5.154-1.407-3.76.301-6.163 1.874-7.324 9.022l-.232 1.488-.875-1.06c-1.641-2.422-4.842-5.312-10.783-5.312-.521 0-1.06.021-1.617.067-6.34.521-13.561 4.936-18.845 11.53-6.169 7.697-9.116 17.442-8.296 27.433.044.529.12 1.037.195 1.542l.044.281-.192.209c-3.691 4.021-7.451 6.062-11.178 6.062-5.751-.046-9.051-4.322-9.051-11.44 0-11.983 8.122-48.109 8.122-61.187 0-13.918-6.203-21.496-16.971-21.579l-.163-.001c-15.724 0-27.982 17.845-39.71 54.557-1.074 3.363-2.243 7.249-3.246 10.604l-1.646 5.521.489-5.739c1.089-12.789 1.837-25.231 2.225-36.983.583-17.743-1.815-29.161-7.333-34.908-2.977-3.1-6.916-4.626-12.045-4.665h-.136c-19.243 0-28.461 32.454-35.173 55.355-2.026 6.912-6.021 22.505-8.686 33.165l1.579-2.569c1.186-13.421 4.614-47.044 4.389-65.284-.241-19.568-6.758-28.342-21.129-28.452h-.177c-7.677 0-13.003 3.816-16.12 7.017-5.003 5.138-8.121 12.645-7.947 19.128.104 3.942 2.524 7.45 4.357 7.45 1.194 0 1.854-1.594 2.143-2.543 4.446-14.7 10.198-21.845 17.585-21.845 3.064.024 5.342.927 7.05 2.759 5.77 6.19 4.72 22.904 2.817 53.246-.614 9.778-1.308 20.858-1.896 33.461-.101 2.162-.235 4.252-.363 6.237-.561 8.754-1.005 15.668 2.314 16.183 4.319.673 7.131-1.079 8.568-5.355 2.134-6.344 6.918-23.681 16.177-55.363 8.883-30.401 15.595-41.463 24.183-41.463 9.92 0 10.659 17.034 8.84 52.979-.386 7.619-.906 16.251-1.303 25.646-.056 1.319-.119 2.597-.179 3.829-.382 7.775-.684 13.915 1.537 16.269.693.73 1.637 1.093 2.883 1.102 4.3 0 5.593-3.772 7.735-10.021.379-1.105.781-2.281 1.229-3.516 14.737-40.648 25.632-75.916 40.256-75.916 4.389 0 7.798 3.562 7.798 10.511 0 16.04-7.841 47.035-7.841 62.747 0 5.627 1.62 10.684 4.682 14.235 3.142 3.644 7.538 5.591 12.712 5.629h.114c4.892 0 9.992-2.377 15.157-7.065l.484-.439.389.524c3.4 4.576 8.889 7.032 14.812 6.574 9.09-.708 16.716-8.802 19.553-16.432l.555-1.493.555 1.493c2.104 5.665 6.665 12.489 16.411 11.698zm83.751-106.215l.156-.003c1.038 0 1.949.52 2.709 1.548 3.608 4.88 3.663 22.688-2.545 42.95-3.547 11.581-8.316 22.52-13.792 31.634l-.873 1.452-.222-1.681c-.645-4.897-.962-9.999-1.187-14.345-1.583-30.626 7.683-61.136 15.754-61.555zm-100.846 71.578c-3.181 12.804-9.281 28.248-20.279 29.133-.307.022-.607.037-.896.037-4.561 0-7.119-2.986-7.602-8.877-.604-7.372 2.574-16.008 8.098-22.004 3.515-3.816 7.481-5.919 11.163-5.919h.075c4.652.037 7.912 3.771 9.411 7.252l.079.185-.049.193zM469.024 10.822v0zM268.772 45.984c-4.061 0-7.341 3.198-7.371 7.13-.031 3.961 3.227 7.208 7.26 7.239l.058.59v-.59c4.002.001 7.281-3.195 7.311-7.126.031-3.963-3.225-7.211-7.258-7.243zM524.024 45.984c-4.06 0-7.341 3.198-7.369 7.13-.032 3.961 3.225 7.208 7.26 7.239l.057.59v-.59c4.002.001 7.28-3.195 7.311-7.126.029-3.963-3.225-7.211-7.259-7.243z"/></g></svg></div>
    <div class='message'>
    <h1>Request Blocked.</h1>
    <p>We had to block your request because of something that looked suspicious. Please reach out to support: <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Incident Number: 00.24XXXX8.14XXXXXX45.175XXXX3">[email protected]</a>
    <br /><br />
    <em><span>Reference Number: 00.24XXXX8.14XXXXXX45.175XXXX3</span></em>
          object(Requests_Response_Headers)#5177 (1) {
            array(7) {
              array(1) {
                string(6) "Apache"
              array(1) {
                string(9) "text/html"
              array(1) {
                string(45) ""2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX41:1XXXXXXXXXXXX5""
              array(1) {
                string(15) "Accept-Encoding"
              array(1) {
                string(4) "gzip"
              array(1) {
                string(13) "max-age=86366"
              array(1) {
                string(29) "Mon, 29 Aug 2016 13:44:05 GMT"
          object(Requests_IRI)#5175 (8) {
            string(5) "https"
            string(21) "us8.api.mailchimp.com"
            string(62) "/3.0/lists/9d74281047/members/fXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX6"
            array(5) {
              array(1) {
              array(1) {
              array(1) {
                string(9) "localhost"
              array(1) {
              array(1) {
          array(0) {
          object(Requests_Cookie_Jar)#5176 (1) {
            array(0) {

    Same here
    cURL 7.36.0 and no compliance issues know…

    Since a couple of hours the plugin doesn’t work anymore (worked great for over a year)

    Really hope there’s a solution! Tnx!

    I have the same issue. It was working for few years and now suddenly issues.

    I have noticed that on my website the status is Not Connected and above message – Service Unavailable.
    It is very frustrating.

    I’ve heard back from MailChimp and – good news – the problem isn’t with my account, but with Akamai blocking my server’s IP ??

    This is what MailChimp suggests: any comments/recommendations (other than asking my hosting provider to sort themselves out with Akamai?):

    I took a look at your account and there aren’t any compliance issues. What you are experiencing appears to be an Akamai issue.

    If a user or subscriber is using an IP address that is being blocked by Akamai and hits one of our endpoints (any of our hosted sign-up forms, or API endpoints), they will see these kinds of errors. Here are a few things to try to help resolve an Akamai block.

    Access the application (make your API requests) from behind a proxy or through a VPN
    Access the application (make your API requests) from a different network
    If the requests are generated from a web server: Request a new IP from your hosting provider
    If accessing the application (or making API requests) from a home or business network: Reach out to your Internet Service Provider and request a change of external IP
    Wait it out. Typically blocks of this nature can clear just as quickly as they were implemented, assuming the behavior in question has stopped.

    Some more info, which may help people with the same problem.

    My domains are on a hosted server, whose IP address has been blacklisted, as another domain there (not one of mine…) is serving trojans, viruses, etc. Personally, I asked my provider to deal with the situation, as it’s now out of my control.

    To check if you have the same problem:

    1. Find the IP address of your site. This can be done from a command prompt with the command ping example.com (replace example.com with your site). You will get a number, ex.
    2. From https://www.ip-score.com/ enter this IP address and click “Check”. (other services are available).
    3. On the right hand side, you will see a list of results “Blacklist Check”:
    4. Blacklists check:
      South Korean NBL:Clear
      Barracuda BBL:Clear
    5. Check for the “Listed” results (these are in red). In my case, Spamhaus is listing my IP address.
    6. Clicking on the “Listed” entry, a new tab will open with a description of where the IP has been listed and information on the reason why it was listed (in my case, there was the URL of a page with trojans).
    7. From there, it’s a matter to deal with your provider or follow the instructions (you may have been hacked yourself…)

    I would like to see clearer instructions in MailChimp for WP on how to deal with this problem, or even perhaps receive a notification that something is broken in the connection to MailChimp… That would save time and frustration…

    Plugin Contributor Lap


    You can ask your hosting provider to route MailChimp requests over a proxy or VPN, ask them to change your IP, buy your own private IP from them or move to another hosting provider.

    Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions.

    Plugin Contributor Lap


    For other posting “I have the same problem” please note that “Status not connected” can be caused by a number of different issues so it might not necessarily be the same problem.

    It is a bit hard for us and you to keep track of all the different support requests in one thread like this as I now don’t know who already went trough what steps and where we are with each individual case.

    Please first check the exact error code on the Others tab of the plugin in the log file, with that error code check for more information at https://mc4wp.com/kb/solving-connectivity-issues/

    If it is a firewall issue (Akamai firewall) you will have to contact your hosting provider.

    If it is cURL version being out of date, you will have to ask you hosting provider to update cURL.

    If you still have a problem without a clear solution after checking this documentation please MAKE A NEW THREAD just for you so we can give you personal support for your specific problem.

    In that thread please mention:
    – The exact error code from the log on the Others page
    – What steps you took to debug the problem and what results you got
    – what the cURL version is on your hosting soltuion
    – If you have SSH access and if so what the result was of manually running cURL command as described on https://mc4wp.com/kb/solving-connectivity-issues/

    I will now close this ticket as resolved. I will be glad to help each of you who is still having connectivity problems in your own new thread on this forum. Thank you kindly!

    Lap: many thanks, yes, they are all possible options, if the hosting provider were to offer them and if we weren’t running business critical services that can’t afford the downtime and aggravation that a provider move entices.

    However, I’m sure a few people will appreciate a notification (the HTML page returned by MailChimp in case of error 503) and perhaps some documentation on mc4wp on what this error means and the steps to take… ??

    This is garbage.

    Most people here are complaining that the plugin worked for days, months, or years, and then all of a sudden, stopped working.

    Mailchimp for WordPress response is garbage.

    A. Check cURL — if the plugin was working for years, the cURL was fine. Unless you are suggesting that the hosting provider downgraded the cURL?

    B. Check to see if blacklisted – Huh? Now I have to become some .ssh linux expert to figure this out? I spent all day trying to connect via .ssh to no avail. Sorry, we are not all redhat geeks.

    C. Change our IP Address / hosting provider / Connect via VPN – What?

    D. Just wait it out. Really? That makes a lot of sense. Perhaps it will work again tomorrow, then go down for another week, then work again, then go down.

    Unfortunately, you have no answers that help real people. I have yet to see anybody actually recover from this problem, except for one person who said that it magically started working again.

    Can you post real solutions from people who actually moved past this issue?

    Thank you,

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