• Resolved mgaimports


    Prezados, para os plugins de marktplaces e multivendedores, existe algum plugin que permita que cada vendedor integre sua plataforma de ERP com o woocommerce sem que vejam os pedidos e produtos de outros vendedores, para gerenciar seus pedidos e produtos usando cada um seu ERP, hoje a woocommerce integra porem com um unico usuario,quando tentamos usar qualquer plugin multivendedor ou marketplace ele nao oferece esta opcao de cada endedor se integrar indepedentemente ao seu painel woocommerce.

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  • Saif


    Hello @mgaimports,

    Precios, for the plugins of marktplaces and multivendors, there is some plugin that allows each seller to integrate their ERP platform such as or woocommerce without seeing orders and products from other sellers, to manage their orders and products using each one of their ERP, now Woocommerce is integrated by a single user, when we try to use any multivendor plugin or marketplace, it does not offer this option for each vendor to integrate independently into its woocommerce panel.

    I understand that you are searching for a multi-vendor solution which allows vendors to sign-up up independently, correct?

    The Product Vendors extension has a ready-to-use form shortcode that vendors can complete to join the store. Additionally, you can automatically send vendor commissions through PayPal, eliminating the need for manual payments to each vendor.

    Please refer to this part of the documentation for context: https://woocommerce.com/document/product-vendors/#vendor-creationregistration

    Also to note, all extensions sold on WooCommerce.com have a 30-day refund policy so if the product doesn’t work the way you need it or you think another product would work better, we are more than happy to provide a full refund. :?)

    Hope this helps!

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