• Resolved daveagp


    I am not getting a correct translation when I call


    when building the toolbar (specifically within an action hooked to “wp_before_admin_bar_render”) when viewing the dashboard or profile (any is_admin page). Investigating the problem and the source code of pll_home_url(), the issue seems to be that


    returns false. Is this the expected behaviour or not? Thanks!


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  • Plugin Author Chouby


    Could you explain what you want to achieve? pll_home_url() returns the home url in the current language. This has a meaning only on frontend, not on admin side.

    Thread Starter daveagp


    Thanks! I didn’t think about it enough to notice that the viewer language is not defined on admin pages in the same way that it is on the main site. However, there is a user_meta variable called user_lang on the Profile page which I think is what I want to use.

    I also looked a bit more at my problem and I see that pll_get_post() suffices for my purposes in lieu of pll_home_url() since I know the home page ID. So I am now doing

    pll_get_post($id, substr(get_user_meta( wp_get_current_user()->ID, “user_lang”, true), 0, 2))

    which seems to be just as good. Thanks very much!

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