I had the same problem, then, after two hours I found the easy solution right in the WP.ORG Akismet Codex page:
“Setting up Askimet is a cinch, just head over to WordPress.com and log in to your account (or sign up for one if you don’t have one already). Then head into your admin panel if you aren’t there already.
“Hover over the My Account link in the top left corner of the window, and click on the Edit Profile link. Note the API key in the first paragraph under the heading. Now, go to your other site’s Plugins > Akismet Configuration page in your admin panel. Then, enter your WordPress.com API key into the text box (copying and pasting is a good way), and click on the “Update API Key” button.”
BOTTOM LINE: You need to have/make a (free) WP.COM page, then we use THAT API Key for our WP.ORG pages. (Same number. It works!)