• I had been previously been using one API key for multiple self-hosted blogs. But for some unknown reason the stats plugin stopped working on one of them, so I tried to create a new WP user and add that API key, but it’s still not taking it. It sends me in an endless loop:

    1: Enter API key.
    2a: The API key “******” belongs to the WordPress.com account of “SOMEUSERNAME”. If this is not your account, please re-enter your API key.
    2b: Add new blog to my account

    2a sends me back to 1.
    2b gives an error:

    Error from last API Key attempt:

    Missing API Key

    Which prompts to enter API key… back to 1.

    What is the recommended way to use API keys? Can you use one key across multiple sites? Or should you get 1 key per site, and therefore create multiple WP.com users (one per blog)?

    Thanks for your help.

    P.S. I’ve tried deactivating and reactivating the stats plugin several times now.

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  • Would SOMEONE >>> !!!! <<<< here at Word Press address this issue!! ?? PLEASE!

    I have been using Word Press for over 3 years now and I have numerous blogs – both Free and self-hosted. I have used API Keys all over them. I’ve never had a problem until tonight. I have the full access to the API Key that is connected with themindsigner.wordpress.com and want to use it on the mindsinger.com/mindsinger but it WILL NOT work.

    I’ve done everything suggested to get the API to work. I am in a continuous loop of enter – wrong – reenter. This is ridiculous !! I already have several WordPress.com accounts and API’s. I don’t want, nor need, a new WP account to get an API. And in one of the ‘loops’ I am taken to the site of the themindsinger.wordpress.com to procure the necessary API. When extracted and used, it doesn’t work either.

    I see there are at least 20 requests on this very subject – some from 5 months ago, others like this one 5 days ago, that have gone UNanswered!! Come on folks! Most of us are not here just because we have nothing else to do. We depend on you all being prompt in returning real, working solutions to the problems we have posted. So, please – HELP!

    Answer this problem. There are a lot of us who need the help.

    [email protected]

    Same here. I get the error “WordPress.com Stats needs attention: please enter an API key or disable the plugin.”
    The Key is all right and works with Akismet.

    I disable the Plugin now and use Statspress works fine and easy to install

    Anyone fixed this issue?

    Noticed it a while ago and don’t reallly want to spend hours trying things.

    @haveyouseenuslately, you should be able to use the same API key on several different blogs but you can’t setup the same blog on more than one wordpress.com account at a time.

    Have you tried these instructions?

    Same problem.
    A newly registered account at wordpress.com, then I’ve used my newly created API Key with the plugin, as requested. Once the API key is submitted, it says:

    The API key “********” belongs to the WordPress.com account of “dirlink”. If this is not your account, please re-enter your API key.

    Under that statement, it says: (cannot be possible, it’s a new account!)

    According to the WordPress.com database, this API key is already associated with at least one self-hosted blog. You can add this as a new blog on your WordPress.com account or replace an existing blog and inherit its stats history.

    Anyways, it also says:

    Add new blog to my account
    Do this if this blog is new or has never been associated with your API key. This blog will be added to your WordPress.com account.

    And I click the button: Add to WordPress.com Account!

    And for some strange reason it just shows:

    WordPress.com Stats
    Error from last API Key attempt:
    Missing API Key

    The WordPress.com Stats Plugin is not working because it needs to be linked to a WordPress.com account.

    Enter your WordPress.com API key to link this blog to your WordPress.com account. Be sure to use your own API key! Using any other key will lock you out of your stats. (Get your key here.)

    API Key:

    Which brings me back to step 1!!! And the error comes all over again.
    I’ve also tried to edit the plugin, as it says:
    // You can hardcode a WP.com API key here.

    With no luck, same error.

    Please Help.
    It’s not working.


    Thank you! The tutorial you linked to worked PERFECTLY!

    I switched my admins and reloaded the plugin, then dropped in the new API key, and BINGO! Piece of cake.

    Thnk you thank you thank you!

    Snap, going around in circles. I even created a brand new WordPress.com account which has no blogs assosiated with it, but still I get the same message

    The API key “xxxxxxxxxxx” belongs to the WordPress.com account of “artesea”. If this is not your account, please re-enter your API key.

    According to the WordPress.com database, this API key is already associated with at least one self-hosted blog. You can add this as a new blog on your WordPress.com account or replace an existing blog and inherit its stats history.

    Add new blog to my account

    Do this if this blog is new or has never been associated with your API key. This blog will be added to your WordPress.com account.

    Then when pressing the Add to WordPress.com account, it tells me

    Error from last API Key attempt:

    Missing API Key

    What I can’t believe is that there has yet to be an offical reply from ANYONE at Automatic/Wordpress yet these posts go back months ??

    having the same problem as artesea. VERY aggravating. help? anyone? Please!

    Wow. I wish the staff will at least say “Hey, I don’t don’t know what’s wrong but we’ll look into it.” I’m having the exact same issue as the original poster.

    Have you tried the replace existing blog option?

    I think I changed the permissions of my plugin directory and its sub-directories and it ended up working.. Hopefully this will help someone..

    I’m having the same problem too. Oh man… I hope there’s a solution to this. I actually thought the leave blog button meant log out or something.

    Replacing the existing blog is a crap shoot. I’ve done it in the past when this error popped up and had no issues whatsoever. The last time, however, my old stats disappeared and I started over from zero. One of my clients also did the replacement option, and her self-hosted stats are now showing up under her (unused) wordpress.com account.

    (I have another thread on this same problem.)

    I just upgraded another blog. (I know, I’m a sucker for punishment.) Again, this one had been using the stats plugin for some time. Again, it lost the API key on upgrade. This time, though, the blog wasn’t listed as one I could replace. I chose to add it to the wordpress.com account instead. I was taken right back to the Stats plugin config screen with the error message “Missing API key.” Entered it again, went around in the same circle.

    Long and short of it? While previous versions of the Stats plugin have been iffy, this latest one has broken on every single blog I’ve upgraded it on.

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