• Resolved momrach


    Thanks for the plugin.

    The message “Invalid MailChimp API Key” appear when I enter the API Key.
    It seems that the field is to short. When I paste the key obtained from my account the last digit of the key (the las zero from …..-us10 ) does not fit in.

    I’ve also tried without the -us10 sufix without success.

    Can you give me some advice to solve this?
    I’m using the plugin version 1.6.3 with wordpress 4.1
    Best regards.


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  • This problem is because of maxlength assigned to that API key text field. You can inspect the field and increase the maxlength size, then put the API key into that and then save the settings.

    It’ll work.

    Thread Starter momrach


    Ok, thanks it works.
    I modified the maxlength property of the edit text field with the google inspector tool and include the whole key.

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