• If I am hosting my own blog, how do I obtain an API key to use with plugins?

    If there is already an answer to this could someone please point it out to me? I have looked but cannot find anything specific.

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  • Me too. I haven’t been able to find any way to get one so far.

    I hate to be an echo, but me as well. I tried the “get API key” but it tells me that my password is wrong.

    Hi, this has to be the most asked question on this forum, but its really easy to get one.
    1. Do you already have an account at wordpress.com
    If you do, then the API key is in your profile.
    2.if you don’t have an account simply sign up for one, you don’t need an additional free blog, just the account.


    Thread Starter sualdam


    OK, I have found the API key in a tiny line of text at the top of my dashboard (you other guys must have one also just by virtue of being able to log in to these forums).

    I am trying to use WordPress.com Stats.

    In spite of the blurb, it DID NOT ask for an API key – it just told me I needed one.

    When I used the plugin editor to hardcode this into the stats.php page exactly where it asks you to, the ‘missing API key’ banner disappeared.

    But when I try to access WordPress stats it says ‘Error from last API attempt missing API key’ and underneath ‘plugin

      is not working because it needs a WP.com account… An API key is present in the source code but it did not work.

    It is cut-and-pasted and it is exactly right.

    So what now???

    Please visit and read the links above. The API key is in the profile of a wordpress.com account. You don’t need to use the plugin editor for any hardcoding.

    If this helps. I used a plugin called tan tan noodle. Once you install this plug in it give you a start up screen on ur b;og with easy steps to follow


    Thread Starter sualdam


    Mikey, my sides are splitting. Now, once we’re through being dead clever and sarcastic, and showing how superior we are, read what I have written.

    I have got the key. I downloaded WPStats and activated it. It DID NOT ASK FOR A KEY. I entered this via the plugin editor in the location it asks for.

    In case you forgot, I am hosting my own blog on my own space.

    When I go to the WPStats page of the plugin page it tells me there was an error with the last API attempt. It says it needs to be associated with a WP account (which it obviously is if I got the key via your previous advice). It says the key is present but didn’t work. It is EXACTLY the key that was tucked away in tiny text at the top of my account page.

    No offence, but if you can’t help don’t reply. I really would like a solution, not further confusion.

    If the problem is so common, point me to an answer that worked.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    It DID NOT ASK FOR A KEY. I entered in via the plugin editor in the location is asks for.

    Then you did something wrong. You don’t need to put the key in via the plugin editor. Really.

    First, remove and reinstall the plugin without your modifications.

    Now, after you activate the plugin, you’ll find a new menu Under the Plugins menu. It will be called WordPress.com stats or something similar. Click it to go to the configuration page.

    There will be a place to put your API key (which you get from WordPress.com). Put it in there and click the save button.

    That’s it. Simple.

    If it still does not work, then perhaps your server does not allow outside connections. The plugin needs to connect to wordpress.com to verify your key. If it can’t do that, then the plugin will not work.

    Thread Starter sualdam


    Thank you, Otto.

    Apart from some stuff about already having registered, etc. that got it working.

    I’d just like to take the time to clarify, I was most certainly not trying to be dead cleaver OR sarcastic, and as for being superior,NO
    you’re wrong again, I don’t pretend to know any more than the average wordpress user. When I added my comment of LOL it was not in regard to your posting but to the previous postee chereen.

    If this helps. I used a plugin called tan tan noodle. Once you install this plug in it give you a start up screen on ur b;og with easy steps to follow

    Was that a helpful interjection ?
    Anyway it seems you got it working.

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