• hello wp’ers

    I’m trying to get old of my api key, when i click on the button to get a key for some reason takes me to a page to sign up for an account, but allready have one, so where do i get a api key for the akismet plugin

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  • I’m having the same problem as you are, Stuart. I started a blog at my judith-barsi.com and used the same email address and the login says I can’t use the same email, but I want to because it is my primary email address and the only one I use. My version is 2.6 I need an API key, but am not getting one unfairly. Someone please help!!! 5 months and NO REPLY for stuartev??? That’s not fair!


    @celia, you simply need to go to
    you need to have an account their, you don’t need to sign up for a blog, just an account, your API key will be in your profile.
    hope you get their. mike.

    No, it is not in my profile. I just looked.

    I can’t run the stats program without it.

    No, it is not in my profile. I just looked.

    Yes, it is. In your profile at your wordpress.com (COM!) account… not in your user profile on your own WordPress install.

    Uhhhm I know where it’s supposed to be … even if the guy I responded to hadn’t told me. Duh.

    It’s not there. So, in a single sentence, you manage to be wrong twice.

    I opened a second account at wordpress.com — got a second key — and that doesn’t work either.

    Why are so many of you here so darn insulting? Why did you make such an ignorant assumption about me???

    Do you need a screenshot of my profile?????

    I am having the same problem. Several plugins require APIs, but you appear not to have them when using WordPress with a self-hosted solution.

    This means WordPress.com stats or ASKISMET spam filtering don’t work. If you got to wordpress.com -which is an API for the HOSTED version.

    What is the solution? Where can we get an API for our installation?


    The solution is actually rather simple. I host my own wordpress blog and was having the same problem, but here’s what you need to do:

    1. If you haven’t already signed up for a wordpress username, do that at wordpress.com [Note- when you sign up, there is an option to just sign up for a username, without a blog. I don’t know if that’s necessary, but that’s what I did.] For those who have mentioned that you can’t get a new username because you’ve already used your email address once, get a new email. You can sign up for a new email in a matter of moments at so many different services (Gmail, yahoo, etc.)

    2. Log in to your wordpress username account and your API should be in clear view as some have already mentioned. Copy this key onto your clipboard.

    3. Log-in to your self-hosted wordpress blog. Go to your plugins and try to activate one of them. When it asks for your API key, enter the one you have copied onto your clipboard. If it works the way mine did, a prompt will tell you that the api key matches a different username (it should be the username attached to the api key) and it will ask if you want to add this blog to that username. You do!!

    4. Celebrate because you are now linked up to a wordpress profile with an API Key!

    Good luck! ??

    It would be really nice if they would allow you to use the same email address. If you have more than one site but don’t want additional email addresses you could then use the same email addy for each one. I personally don’t see a common sense reason to require folks to have to get additional email addys. If they want to use the same one that would be much more convenient and appreciated. The more email addresses you have the more spam you get, especially if you set up email addys with freebie sites like yahoo and hotmail and those type of accounts.

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