API: INVALID_DOCUMENT (keyPath article.json) Error
I’m not sure what is wrong with my article. I’ve published three articles with the plugin but the 4th doesn’t work. I’ve removed all the images and embeds that I though might be an issue but I’m still getting a “API: INVALID_DOCUMENT (keyPath article.json)” error.
I can open the article in News Preview without any issue.
Here is the json file:
{"version":"1.1","identifier":"post-14608","language":"en","title":"Sick and tired of this stupid Apple News Shit.","documentStyle":{"backgroundColor":"#fafafa"},"layout":{"columns":7,"width":1024,"margin":100,"gutter":20},"components":[{"role":"title","text":"Sick and tired of this stupid Apple News Shit.","textStyle":"default-title","layout":"title-layout"},{"role":"byline","text":"by Aaron Ho | Jan 28, 2017 | 10:16 PM","textStyle":"default-byline","layout":"byline-layout"},{"role":"heading1","text":"How accurately is the Apple Watch tracking your workouts?","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-heading-1","layout":"heading-layout"},{"role":"embedwebvideo","aspectRatio":1.777,"URL":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/embed\/TIf208ajEDg"},{"role":"heading2","text":"What\u2019s the truth about Apple Watch fitness tracking?","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-heading-2","layout":"heading-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"In short, it only works if you\u2019re doing something boring. Apple Watch Fitness tracking starts to get flaky the moment you start doing awesome things like lifting lots of weights. If you think lifting weights is awesome.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"dropcapBodyStyle","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"For some people (like Aaron), anything that involves repetitive motion for more than 5 minutes isn\u2019t exercise. It\u2019s a chore.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"But the Apple Watch loves repetitive motions like running and swimming as the placement of the device doesn\u2019t get disturbed. However, the moment when your limbs start to move inconsistently, the Apple Watch fitness tracking falls flat on its face.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"Which is why you won\u2019t see a guy or gal doing cross training in any of Apple\u2019s ads. You won\u2019t see anybody doing an AMRAP in an Apple Watch ad. Why? Because the Apple Watch doesn\u2019t work well with those forms of exercise.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"To get to this conclusion, we spent a lot of time tracking Aaron\u2019s workouts using an original Apple Watch and a Series 2 Apple Watch. We wore the Apple Watches in as many combinations\u00a0as possible (one on each arm, different device on different arm, two on one arm). Monty was involved in the coaching of Aaron during all his workouts.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"All the data was pulled from\u00a0Apple Health and analyzed in macOS Numbers. The entire process was tedious as parsing through the Apple Health data was tedious and graphing in Numbers is downright awful.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"In general, Apple Watch Fitness tracking doesn\u2019t work well for a lifter or a \u00a0cross trainer. But if you\u2019re a runner or swimmer, you\u2019re going to love the Apple Watch\u2019s Fitness Tracking. For the first 1\/2 of this video. You\u2019re not going to like the last 1\/2.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"Now some of you watching this might be thinking \u201cWell, it\u2019s because its Apple. Overpriced Yuppy products that don\u2019t actually work\u201d. Well, we\u2019ve used enough HR tracking devices to know that they all have the same problem. The device with the least amount of discrepancies was the Microsoft Band 2 which Microsoft has scuttled?","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"We\u2019ve broken down what we think are the three truths that we\u2019ve discovered during this entire process.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"heading3","text":"Truth #1 \u2013 The fallacy of the Apple Watch\u2019s heart rate tracker","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-heading-3","layout":"heading-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"Heart rate (HR) Tracking is one of the main health features of the Apple Watch. Personally, we think its fun to track our HR\u2019s. We\u2019re assuming that if you\u2019re serious about your health, you\u2019d be to see how fast your heart\u2019s going. Spoiler alert, the Apple Watch is going to dissapoint.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"For example, in this graph, Aaron was trying to track his HR during a\u00a0timed 1000m row. It took him 3 Mins and 50 seconds to get through the row. You\u2019ll notice that there are two gaps in a four minute period. The row started around 11:56 with the first 30 second gap occurring a minute into the row. There is a 40 bpm difference in that gap. Towards the end of the row, the Apple Watch does fails completely as there is no data for 90 seconds. This probably where Aaron\u2019s HR was the highest and the Apple Watch Series 2 has no data for it.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"But don\u2019t worry, the Apple Watch NAILS Aaron\u2019s HR at the cold down period (and the pre-row period). NAILS it. This is another example of Apple Watch fitness tracking is so frustrating. It doesn\u2019t give you the credit for actually busting your ass.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"heading3","text":"Truth #2 \u2013 The left hand doesn\u2019t know what the right hand is doing\u2026","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-heading-3","layout":"heading-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"Here\u2019s another graph of a workout\u00a0with two\u00a0Apple Watches on different arms (same body). Do the trends look the same? We\u2019re not sure we\u2019d be able to see the similarities without being told they were from the same workout.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"Here\u2019s a graph of an entire day of HR tracking with two Apple Watch\u2019s being worn. They look similar but would you be able to conclusively say they were the same?","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"We\u2019ve got several other examples that shows\u00a0noticeably differences between devices. On days with not much movement, the trends would be closer (<2% different). Some days, the difference would be quite significant (~20%).\u00a0This leads into the second truth that the left hand really doesn\u2019t know what the right hand is doing? Same workout, same person, different arm and the results are noticeably different.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"This difference should be concerning to even runners and swimmers. Why? How much exercise are you REALLY getting?","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"heading3","text":"Two Apple Watches, One Arm","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-heading-3","layout":"heading-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"What happens when you wear two Apple Watches on the same hand? Here\u2019s the graph for that day. Every 1-2 hours Aaron would swap the watch positions for consistency and as you can see, the general trends are similar. But not close.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"This day involved a two hour morning workout, several hours editing videos, a dinner date and a movie.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"Like before, the Apple Watches NAILED Aaron\u2019s HR during his cool down periods during the workout. The actual workout? Same issues as we described above.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"But here\u2019s the kicker. The total calorie counts for each day were different. One Apple Watch claims that Aaron burned 2431 calories and the other Apple watch said 2629 calories. That\u2019s 200 calories which is a difference of one small meal.\u00a0Sure, it\u2019s only a 7-8% difference but still, we were expecting it to be very close.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"What is the correct value?\u00a0First of all, if you\u2019re counting calories, stop wasting your time. Having an understanding of calories is important but not all calories are the same. Quality of the calories is what you should be concerned with.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"Second of all, if your\u2019e counting calories based on your Apple Watch, well, you\u2019re screwed. There\u2019s the difference of ONE whole meal between the two devices.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"heading2","text":"Truth #3 \u2013 WTH Apple?","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-heading-2","layout":"heading-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"Seriously\u2026WTH. What can we compare our disbelief to? It would be similar to paying $1000 dollars for an iPhone and having it take blurry photos occasionally. Or buying a new MacBook Pro and having the screen be Retina most of the time.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"The fitness aspects of the Apple Watch is heavily marketed to us but the results are not as conclusive as dual lens camera or faster processors.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"Did we just pay $600 dollars for a device that spits out half truths? Now this isn\u2019t an Apple specific problem. We\u2019ve had similar\u00a0issues with every Fitbit device, Samsung Gears and Moto 360\u2019s. But none of them carries the Apple Watch\u2019s premium price tag.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"What makes less sense to us is the fact that the calorie counts on the Apple Watch\u2019s worn on different hands were closer than the example mentioned above. Close but not exact. Again, what is the truth? What is right?","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"heading3","text":"Not all is lost","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-heading-3","layout":"heading-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"Now if you\u2019re completely bummed out by this post, here\u2019s the consolation prize. Or the participation medals of the Millennial generation.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"The accuracy of the device should matter but in the long run, it won\u2019t. Why? If you track all your workouts with your Apple Watch and Apple Health, you will see improvements. The Apple Watch and Apple Health will do a good job of tracking the relative changes in your overall health.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"Sure, you won\u2019t know what your HR\u2019s are during a hard workout but you\u2019re improving your body by doing it which will be reflected by your lowered standing HR. That\u2019s a win. That means you get to live a little bit longer.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"And that\u2019s the Truth of Apple Watch Fitness Tracking.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"Have questions about the truth about Apple Watch fitness? Please ask them below, or on our [Facebook](https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/MobileReviewsEh) page or our [About Us](http:\/\/www.mobilereviews-eh.ca\/about-us\/) page. To stay up to date on everything we\u2019re doing, check out our [Twitter](https:\/\/twitter.com\/MobileReviewsEh) and [Instagram](https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/mobilereviewseh\/) feeds!","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-body","layout":"body-layout-last"}],"componentTextStyles":{"default-heading-1":{"fontName":"AvenirNext-Bold","fontSize":48,"lineHeight":52,"textColor":"#333333","textAlignment":"left","tracking":0},"default-heading-2":{"fontName":"AvenirNext-Bold","fontSize":32,"lineHeight":36,"textColor":"#333333","textAlignment":"left","tracking":0},"dropcapBodyStyle":{"textAlignment":"left","fontName":"AvenirNext-Regular","fontSize":18,"tracking":0,"lineHeight":24,"textColor":"#4f4f4f","linkStyle":{"textColor":"#428bca"},"paragraphSpacingBefore":18,"paragraphSpacingAfter":18,"dropCapStyle":{"numberOfLines":4,"numberOfCharacters":1,"padding":5,"fontName":"AvenirNext-Bold","textColor":"#4f4f4f"}},"default-body":{"textAlignment":"left","fontName":"AvenirNext-Regular","fontSize":18,"tracking":0,"lineHeight":24,"textColor":"#4f4f4f","linkStyle":{"textColor":"#428bca"},"paragraphSpacingBefore":18,"paragraphSpacingAfter":18},"default-heading-3":{"fontName":"AvenirNext-Bold","fontSize":24,"lineHeight":28,"textColor":"#333333","textAlignment":"left","tracking":0},"default-title":{"fontName":"AvenirNext-Bold","fontSize":48,"lineHeight":52,"tracking":0,"textColor":"#333333","textAlignment":"left"},"default-byline":{"textAlignment":"left","fontName":"AvenirNext-Medium","fontSize":13,"lineHeight":24,"tracking":0,"textColor":"#7c7c7c"}},"componentLayouts":{"heading-layout":{"columnStart":0,"columnSpan":6,"margin":{"bottom":15,"top":15}},"body-layout":{"columnStart":0,"columnSpan":6,"margin":{"top":12,"bottom":12}},"body-layout-last":{"columnStart":0,"columnSpan":6,"margin":{"top":12,"bottom":30}},"title-layout":{"margin":{"top":30,"bottom":0}},"byline-layout":{"columnStart":0,"columnSpan":7,"margin":{"top":10,"bottom":10}}},"metadata":{"excerpt":"How accurately is the Apple Watch tracking your workouts? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=TIf208ajEDg What's the truth about Apple Watch fitness tracking? In short, it only works if you\u2019re doing something boring. Apple Watch Fitness tracking starts to get flaky the moment you start doing awesome things like lifting lots of weights. If you think lifting weights is awesome....","dateCreated":"2017-01-28T22:16:58+00:00","dateModified":"2017-01-28T22:18:04+00:00","datePublished":"2017-01-28T22:16:58+00:00","canonicalURL":"http:\/\/mobilereviews.staging.wpengine.com\/sick-tired-stupid-apple-news-shit\/","generatorIdentifier":"publish-to-apple-news","generatorName":"Publish to Apple News","generatorVersion":"1.2.1"},"advertisingSettings":{"frequency":1,"layout":{"margin":{"top":15,"bottom":15}}}}
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