• Resolved metaeditor


    Too sad this 3 month ago updated Plugin don’t work better, so many Trello user and so less love for this Plugin . Here a short bug log for the dev .

    -API Helper broken : So you can gues the id of your board and cards
    -Linking of the board broken it links nowhere

    What works ,
    + Trello account Login ,
    + import of your Board IDs in the wp option Table
    + Rendering of the Boards Name on the frontend .

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  • Hey, metaeditor, I tested it just a couple of hours ago, and it works just fine. It might be some javascript issue on your WordPress installation that is breaking the API Helper. Did you check your console for errors?


    I’ve also installed it and got the same problem.

    API Helper broken, cannot choose organisation, boards, lists etc

    Any advice?

    RJS Media, try it on a clean WordPress installation or with all your plugins deactivated and your theme set to 2016. If it doesn’t work again, then it might be the plugin, but just doing that I had it working for me, so most probably you too have a conflict somewhere.

    The API helper uses AJAX, which is dependent on the lack of errors in JavaScript. If you have some bad js there, you won’t have the helper working either.

    Hi Vladimir, thanks for your advice.

    I’ve disabled the only other extension, and used one of the default themes.

    But the problem still persists.

    Do you know of any other ways around it?

    Is it possible to use the extension without using the API helper?

    i.e. can you get your board and card IDs directly from Trello?



    Nah, I don’t know an alternative sadly. Let’s hope that Iain Poulson will soon join the discussion here.

    Thread Starter metaeditor


    Hi Vladimir , No JS Error in the console , DEBUGG ON no php error. Tested on multiple WP installs local + Remote .
    Must be some chaege in the Option API Framework

    RJS Media ,the way around is to find your related trello ID by hand. That’s how i did it for now . B
    How to find the Trello Board ID
    If your Board have a link like https://trello.com/b/mOu3B0ce/web-developer
    just add “.json” at the end it will show a json file with a section for the id
    the url will now look like

    just wanted to let everyone know that my installation works fine

    Thread Starter metaeditor


    Finally got it working,
    It was simple but a lot of headage , you need to have a organisation in your trello board setup. even if you don’t need them. Without Organisation the plugin Admin Board Selector where you get the Ids will fail and stay disabled.

    Got to this after a lot of hacking in the code to fix it but was a good lesson . Documentation is even more important than code.

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