API Gateway setup – Google Ads NOT tracking data
Currently client can see data via the Pixel ID in Meta… BUT cannot see data via the Google Ads area at all which is linked to the same pixel.
I’m new to your plugin, as someone suggested to try your plugin.
I’ve followed the instructions to set it up here via your https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXTpgFu2V-E
Can you confirm whether we should be able to see data in the Google Ads area now after linking your plugin ?
Still cannot see data in here and not sure what else to do.
I assumed that once the plugin is installed and linked to the Pixel ID, then the Google Ads area will see data coming through also.
HOW do we setup the events OR is it auto setup via the API for ALL events?
I see in your plugin, there is a TAB called EVENTS but the video didn’t go into that. Am I supposed to be setting up the Purchase event etc via here?
So now when I go back into the Pixel area, it says 1 task to complete:
Complete setup to get the most out of your ad account.
Complete Conversions API setup
Just a few more steps to complete the setup and help improve your ad performance.?You have 1 Meta pixel eligible for setup.
Selected pixel:
Is this related to your plugin? I haven’t see this pop up before in the Events Manager Overview.
This wasn’t in the video.
But it says to Choose Partner , download plugin etc , but I’m now confused with what this is in here?
i am experiencing the same issue. Events in Google ads and google analytics are not being tracked, specifically the view_item, begin_checkout, and purchase events.
Hopefully we get an answer soon so we can rectify the issue.
Did you setup separate events within the plugin, or did the plugin set it up by itself?
The free version of the plugin doesn’t have support for Google Ads IDs.
We can’t offer support for the paid plugin on this forum.
Hi, So basically you are saying that the Free version of your plugin, doesn’t allow integration with the Google Ads & link with the Meta Pixel, is that correct?
So everyone who needs to link their Meta Pixel data with Google Ads, needs a paid plugin, is that correct?
Just trying to understand completely to let my client know.
And there is a paid version of your plugin, how much is this? And this 100% allows for integration and connection with each Google Ads and links to the existing Meta Pixel installed and currently working with Meta , BUT not in Google Ads?
Thanks in advance
Yes, that is correct. In fact, all paid features are marked as such in the free plugin.
And yes, that is our website.
Hi, thanks for your reply. I have another continued question.
Does your plugin support Meta Ads events?
We were told we should be able to see the Meta Ads events? They are currently blank in the Meta Ads.
We have been told we need to confirm the Purchase Event Set up is correct and working.
You can set a specific value and currency for your Meta Pixel standard events. This helps you measure your return on ad spend and optimize for value.
We have Identified the error message as Missing Purchase Currency and Value Parameters This warning message appears if a value or currency parameter is empty or missing for an event, or if the value or currency parameter isn’t formatted correctly.
To change the value and currency of your standard events, Please refer to this Helpful Link for your reference: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/392174274295227?id=1205376682832142 on how to Set the value and currency of your Meta Pixel standard events.So I’m bit confused.
Your plugin connects with the Meta Pixel and adds or links it to the website via the plugin, can you confirm ? Does it add code ? Below it says Create a Meta Pixel (which we already have) and place it on your website. Does your 3rd party plugin integrate this ?
Can you confirm maybe I am understanding incorrectly ?
Sorry I’m bit new to the Pixel error issue and the Meta Ads not displaying events.
I’ve followed these instructions BELOW via that link above.
You can set a specific value and currency for your Meta Pixel standard events. This helps you measure your return on ad spend and optimize for value.Before you begin
- Make sure you can edit your website’s code.
- Create a Meta Pixel and place it on your website.
Change the value and currency of your standard events
The default value and currency in the standard event (purchase) code is $0.00 USD, but you can edit this to reflect the true value of your conversions. For example, if you’re selling tickets in Europe for €9.99 EUR you can set this in your standard event code. Then, every time the Meta Pixel fires, it will pass along €9.99 EUR as the value of the conversion.
To change the value and currency of your standard events:
- Go to the web page where you placed the Meta Pixel.
- Find the snippet of code for your standard event.
- If the code shows “value: 0.00” (see the example below), then you’re ready to move on to step 3. fbq(‘track’, ‘Purchase’, { value: 0.00, currency: ‘USD’ });
How do I change this within your plugin please?
Change the value and currency of your standard events for Purchases. Change to AUS (default is US) so I don’t know HOW to change this in your plugin?
Please advise.
ALSO I see under my Data Sources in the Pixel and integrated partner which is you… It wants us to Add additional parameters for performance.
I try and tick on these and say DONE, but it doesn’t add them.
It just says at the end “SHARE to DEVELOPER or SEND parameters to PixelYourSite.
Send parameters
Partner integration type: PixelYourSite
Please share additional parameters on?PixelYourSite.?Learn more?about sharing parameters using Conversions API.
Click ID (fbc) Not hashed – no hash required 146.8% median increase in additional conversions reported Email address Hashed 13.72% median increase in additional conversions reported Facebook Login ID Not hashed – no hash required 12.63% median increase in additional conversions reported Browser ID (fbp) Not hashed – no hash required 5.56% median increase in additional conversions reported Phone number Hashed 2.61% median increase in additional conversions reported Date of birth Hashed 29.00% increase in event match quality First name Hashed 29.00% increase in event match quality Surname Hashed 29.00% increase in event match quality Postcode Hashed 21.00% increase in event match quality Town/city Hashed 21.00% increase in event match quality County/region Hashed 21.00% increase in event match quality
So I found additional settings for your plugin under the WOOCOMMERCE area where there are additional tickboxes
I cannot see any settings for the issue I am having to fix for:
Value and currency of your standard events for Purchases needs to be changed to AUS and NOT US
I see your settings in your plugin has “TRACK PURCHASES” (most are pro features). Is there setting in here for the currency issue I am having for the Purchases event?
ALSO in your plugin you have 4 TABS – General / Events / Woocommerce/ Consent
For the EVENTS tab, do we have to manually ADD the Events in OR it is already created automatically ?
Exit that area from the Meta Events Manager, you don’t need to configure anything there.
If you use WooCommerce, simply install the plugin, add the pixel ID, add the Conversion API token, and we will do the rest.
You can test the events we send using Pixel Helper Chrome extension. For Purhcase, you need to place an order when testing.
I recommend you open the links we have inside the plugin under various options. There are videos for almost everything.
I also recommend to check the help section, also linked in the plugin, or directly on our site: https://www.pixelyoursite.com/documentation
Thanks for your reply. Could you please confirm one thing, the main thing we need to fix.
How and where do we change the value and currency of your standard events for Purchases.
We were told by Meta we need to change to AUS (default is US) so I don’t know HOW to change this in your plugin?
Following on from your last reply, there is NO video on HOW to fix the Purchase Event within your plugin to change from US $ to Aus $ ?
We still have an outstanding issue that we need help with. I hope someone can help soon. Client is getting frustrated.
As you mentioned there is hardly any configuration with your plugin for the Events.
BUT … there is an error with the Purchases that needs to be fixed urgently.
PURCHASE – We have Identified the error message as Missing Purchase Currency and Value Parameters This warning message appears if a value or currency parameter is empty or missing for an event, or if the value or currency parameter isn’t formatted correctly.
There are NO instructions on HOW to fix it if we are using your 3rd party plugin so we need help and support on HOW to fix this please?
I was hoping someone would have replied back already (it has been approx 4 days).
Thanks in advance.
For our native WooCommerce purchase event currency is automatically taken from WooCommerce. You don’t have to change or configure anything.
Missing purchase value and currency: it’s virtually impossible for the default WooCommerce purhcase event to miss these values. The only explanation is that there is an extra purhcase configured on the site. If that’s the case, you need to remove it.
To be honest, is very hard to follow this discussion. It seems like you jump from one issue to another. When you have a new issue, please open a new thread and add a link to the page where we can replicate the issue.
If you want to test the purchase event, place an order on the site and check the event and its parameters with Pixel Helper Chrome extension. You can also share the URL here, so I can take a look.
Yes sorry I opened the ticket saying Google Ads not tracking data, that was my mistake, it should have said Meta Ads not tracking data.
I apologise for that confusion! Hence your confusion!
There has only been 2 issues, data not being tracked in Meta Ads (which most are now working) AND the Purchase pixel having an issue with currency that Meta told us about. This is the only thing left to fix.
OK when I look in the Meta Pixel, there is ONLY 1 Purchase Event in here (definately not 2).
It still has a Red ! in the Metal Pixel for Purchase so we know it still wants the currency fixed. And we spoke with Meta and they said we needed to fix it also.
When I use the Meta PIxel Helper on the website, it says No pixel found on site. Make sure your pixel code is properly implemented. But the pixel is via your plugin Pixel ID and data is being viewed via the Metal Pixel for the website.
So I’m still confused and stuck about the issue.
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