• johnpaul777



    when this plugin is active there is error on API front

    https://www.site.com/wp-json/wc/v2/settings?consumer_key=%5Bput consumer key here]&consumer_secret=[put consumer secret here]

    “code”: “rest_setting_setting_group_invalid”,
    “message”: “Invalid setting group.”,
    “data”: {
    “status”: 404


    Kindly check and resolve it please

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • logicsit


    Same error topic before:)

    Plugin Author Ivan Paulin



    Can you please provide me a list of Woocommerce plugins that you are using on the site?
    Has the error happened after recent plugins updates?





    We develop the extension Google Ads for WooCommerce and have customers who are also experiencing this issue. In short, our extension creates product feeds and Google Shopping campaigns from the product data within a WooCommerce store, including images. We’ve recently been receiving some errors when trying to access the Woo REST API endpoint for /wp-json/wc/v2/settings/general. The exact error is:

    Error details - Code: rest_setting_setting_group_invalid. Message: Invalid setting group..

    When accessing the endpoint /settings you can see that many setting groups are missing including general, products, tax, shipping, checkout, etc…

    We have confirmed that disabling your plugin alleviates this problem. Is there a chance you may know the root cause of this issue? This is prohibiting customers from using our extension if they are also using yours as well. We’d appreciate any insight from you. We’re not sure if your store makes use of the REST API, so it could be modifications you make to the product or store that then results in unrelated issues with Woo’s code base.

    Thank you!


    Plugin Author Ivan Paulin



    I have released the update for the plugin that should solve this error.
    Please backup your site before updates, test everything, and let me know if you reencounter an error.

    Kind regards,

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