• A customer of ours is getting the below errors. I am unable to replicate this or workout why it is happening. Do you have any idea?

    expects at most 1 parameter, 2 given in /usr/local/pem/vhosts/142190/webspace/siteapps/WordPress-62715/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/divi-auto-testimonials/admin/apf/factory/_common/utility/base_utility/AdminPageFramework_Utility.php on line 408 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/pem/vhosts/142190/webspace/siteapps/WordPress-62715/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/divi-auto-testimonials/admin/apf/factory/_common/utility/base_utility/AdminPageFramework_Utility.php on line 409 Warning: debug_backtrace() expects at most 1 parameter, 2 given in /usr/local/pem/vhosts/142190/webspace/siteapps/WordPress-62715/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/divi-auto-testimonials/admin/apf/factory/_common/utility/base_utility/AdminPageFramework_Utility.php on line 408 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/pem/vhosts/142190/webspace/siteapps/WordPress-62715/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/divi-auto-testimonials/admin/apf/factory/_common/utility/base_utility/AdminPageFramework_Utility.php on line 409

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  • Plugin Author miunosoft



    What’s the framework and PHP versions that cause the error?

    Thread Starter yst14



    Thanks for your reply.
    WP Version: 4.7.2
    PHP Version: 5.3.3
    Admin Page Framework: v3.8.4

    I suspect that it is the PHP version but wanted to double check.

    Many Thanks

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    Can you check if that occurs with the latest APF version?

    I cannot recall it clearly but I may have seen a similar error before and it may have been fixed already.

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