• Help please?

    I have deleted a bunch of posts out of the database in order to try to clear them from feedreaders–to no avail. Now I realize I needed to EDIT the posts, making them blank, but using the same post id’s (GUID) so that they will be edited in the feedreaders. The feedreaders cache will not allow them to be removed–only edited.

    But I’ve deleted them (using mphpadmin). Is there anyway of recovering the GUID’s? Or at least the format/structure for them, as my husband knows how to replace everything in a database, from 1 to 1000 or whatever it needs to be, as long as he knows the structure of the GUID’s.

    Please help? Thanks in advance!

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  • Do you have a recent database backup?

    A post or page guid is always in the same format, even with permalinks enabled..

    example.com/?p=N – for a post
    example.com/?page_id=N – for a page

    Where N is a numeric ID.

    If however you were refering to the actual ID of the entries lost, as esmi said above, got a backup?

    Thread Starter simplymother


    Oh thank you, this forum is always so helpful!

    But . . . we don’t have a backup (that we can find!) I’ve already called the hosting company, and their only backup is too recent.

    t31os, my husband did this thing where he recreated all the posts with id’s 1 through like 2600 using the formats you listed above, but still, nothing changed. That is why he assumed the format must be different on the ones we deleted. Could that be the case? If they were written a couple of years ago, has the format perhaps changed since then? Or could the post id’s just be higher than 2600?

    Any other ideas?

    Thread Starter simplymother


    Ok, we figured out we were adding them to the wrong (old) database. Now we’ve created 6000 posts in the current database and most of the posts are gone!

    But . . . some of them are still showing up. Some of the stupidest ones, too, unfortunately.

    What could be the cause? We have no idea where to go next.

    The only other clue we have is this:

    I had another domain before this one. The domain in question is called ponderingparenting.com. You can go there, I’ve been working on the design and trying to get it all ready. This is the one I had that I deleted 2 years ago, that had all the embarrassing posts on it. But before that, I had a blog at lollymom.com. When I switched to ponderingparenting, I imported everything from lollymom and probably had the feed redirected as well. I no longer have lollymom at all.

    Well, I’ve been using GoogleReader, but I decided to check bloglines to see if all those old posts showed up there. When I typed in “ponderingparenting.com” Bloglines gave me three feed options for it–and two of them were for lollymom.com! Looking at the posts in those feeds–they are the same ones that are still appearing in my ponderingparenting feed at google reader!

    I have no idea what direction to take next. Why would lollymom.com/feed still be pointing to ponderingparenting? And if those feeds are cached, how could I edit them?

    And if you’ve listened to this long, horrible saga, thank you very much, and if you have any ideas, they would be oh so appreciated. Thanks,

    Thread Starter simplymother


    I guess no one has any ideas? I’m not sure if this is just a really complicated/weird problem, or if no one has really noticed this thread?

    I’ve deleted/created the feed several times in Feedburner, tried Resyncing, and everything. I now have it so that the feed I created does NOT have all those old posts in it, so if someone clicks on the rss link on my site, they will see the feed with only the recent posts in it.


    If you just type in ponderingparenting.com into Google Reader, the feed that show up has all the recent stuff first, but then all the old, deleted posts are still there if you scroll down. Why, why WHY?

    If I delete my entire database and start over, then will they be gone?

    If there is no database for the feed to point to, what will happen? Will there be no feed at all? What happens to a feed once a website is completely deleted?

    And if I can manage to get rid of everything by deleting the database, when I start posting again, will all those old posts be right back again?

    Is there any way of contacting Feedburner? Is there anybody who can help me?

    Admittedly, you’ve lost me, i don’t really understand your problem, i was simply answering the GUID question before.

    To answer some of the above though.

    If you delete your database, yes you lose your posts, pages etc… since this is where they are stored.

    If you delete your site, or database, then the feeds won’t exist, or if the site is up, but database emptied of content then the feeds will just show nothing.. (unless content is cached, in which case users might see cached content).

    Thread Starter simplymother


    Sorry,k I probably shouldn’t have done this, but I ended up starting a new topic here:


    Thanks for offering what you know though.

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