• I’ve been up all night trying to figure out why the jobpress theme will not recognize its CSS file.

    Its running fine on MAMP until it is uploaded to a production server.

    Has anyone else tried this theme??

    Does anyone have any hints or tips? I would greatly appreciate it!


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  • Thread Starter joshspeak


    fixed ….It was a permissions issue.

    Hi Josh!
    I’m working on this theme too, but in Mamp also.
    The biggest problem that I don’t know how to solve is to integrate an old database to the theme. It just don’t read the old posts and the title. It only recognizes the custom fields form that comes with it…
    I’m having headaches from a few days on…
    If you know how to permit this theme to read also the old database normal posts I would be very appreciated!
    Thanks and regards,

    Is anyone using or working with this theme?
    I need some help please…

    Someone, please?

    Link to download that theme please.

    And can you explain what you are trying to do in regard to “integrate an old database to the theme”.

    MichaelH, thanks for the reply!
    It’s a payed theme. I can give you an access to my trial blog using wordpress for you to see what my (huge) problem is. Just send your email to me, please.
    I’m really desperate… I want to put it working but there’s no way to do it until I have Jobpress reading the old database.

    The problem is that Jobpress uses custom fields, also for the title of the post (in this case, the job offer).
    And the normal wordpress site that I have doesn’t use custom fields, what makes the title of the jobs I have unreadable.
    So, the titles simply doesn’t appear in Jobpress and I can’t click on it to see the job offer.

    I think there’s a way to code the theme for it to read both the old titles and the new ones from the custom field…


    Hello this theme not work good in Wp 2.7, i have try it and the user that want post a job can’t select the categories type, in the dropdown menù i see only this “0 value=”8 (8 is the number of the categories) any help is nice.!

    This is the code:

    <label for="postcats">Category:<span>*</span></label>
    					$cats = wp_dropdown_categories('orderby=name&order=ASC&hide_empty=0&echo=0');
    					$cats = str_replace("\n", "", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("\t", "", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("<select name='cat' id='cat' class='postform' ><option value=\"", "", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("\">", "-", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("</option><option value=\"", "_", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("</option></select>", "", $cats);
    					echo "<select name=\"postcats\" id=\"postcats\">\n";
    							$cats = explode("_", $cats);
    							foreach ($cats as $catsss) {
    								$catsss = explode("-", $catsss);
    								$cat_id = $catsss[0];
    								$cat_name = $catsss[1];
    								echo "<option value=\"$cat_id\">";
    									echo $cat_name;
    								echo "</option>\n";
    					echo "</select>";

    can download the them here for try and see the same error:

    hello i have try it with the 2.6 version of WordPress and work correctly.
    Not work with the 2.7



    Any way to correct it.

    I think the wp drop down categories is updated in 2.7.

    Hello there

    I came up with a quite simple solution regarding the drop down categories problem of Jobpress and 2.7.1,

    Just replace all the code that generates the dropdown list for this:

    <?php wp_dropdown_categories('orderby=name&amp;order=ASC&amp;hide_empty=0&amp;name=postcats'); ?>

    It works just fine in my site ?? https://jobful.net/?poststeps=1

    Wtrevino, what exactly do you mean – “Just replace all the code that generates the dropdown list”. Can you tell which part od code should replace?

    wtrevino the solution hyou posted WILL list the categories in a drop-down menu, however when the Job is posted, the job will not be posted to the category the user selected. It will go as “Uncategorized”.

    Here is the solution that worked for me.

    in the file:

    at or around line 72 replace:

    					$cats = wp_dropdown_categories('orderby=name&order=ASC&hide_empty=0&echo=0');
    					$cats = str_replace("\n", "", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("\t", "", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("<select name='cat' id='cat' class='postform' ><option value=\"", "", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("\">", "-", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("</option><option value=\"", "_", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("</option></select>", "", $cats);
    					echo "<select name=\"postcats\" id=\"postcats\">\n";
    							$cats = explode("_", $cats);
    							foreach ($cats as $catsss) {
    								$catsss = explode("-", $catsss);
    								$cat_id = $catsss[0];
    								$cat_name = $catsss[1];
    								echo "<option value=\"$cat_id\">";
    									echo $cat_name;
    								echo "</option>\n";
    					echo "</select>";

    With this code:

    					$cats = wp_dropdown_categories('orderby=name&order=ASC&hide_empty=0&echo=0');
    					$cats = str_replace("\n", "", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("\t", "", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("<select name='cat' id='cat' class='postform' ><option class=\"level-0\" value=\"", "", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("\">", "-", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("</option><option class=\"level-0\" value=\"", "_", $cats);
    					$cats = str_replace("</option></select>", "", $cats);
    					echo "<select name=\"postcats\" id=\"postcats\">\n";
    							$cats = explode("_", $cats);
    								foreach ($cats as $catsss) {
    								$catsss = explode("-", $catsss);
    								$cat_id = $catsss[0];
    								$cat_name = $catsss[1];
    								echo "<option value=\"$cat_id\">";
    									echo $cat_name;
    								echo "</option>\n";
    					echo "</select>";

    Let me know if this worked for you.

    sergioalvarado, you’re great, man ?? this code works under 2.8.4 wordpress. thanks

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