• Hello,

    I am currently running WordPress 2.6

    Does 2.7 fix any security vulnerabilities?

    I am very hesitant to upgrade to 2.7 because of the multitude of “slowness” issues coupled with no apparent fix to this issue.

    Is anyone using Godaddy on Linux (shared hosting) and if so, have you upgraded to 2.7 from 2.6 and found that it is running slow?

    Thanks for posting your experiences…

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  • I’ve used BlueHost for several years. I host about 13 WordPress sites. Never had any slowness. They have incredible service with 24-7 usa phone support too.

    Once again I’ll vouch for InMotion. I have two WordPress sites up with them and they run very smoothly.

    I’ve used BlueHost for several years. I host about 13 WordPress sites. Never had any slowness. They have incredible service with 24-7 usa phone support too.

    The same goes for me.

    Here’s the deal, I was having this same issue with the latest version of wordpress (2.8). I called GoDaddy’s support and they told me that the server is fine, and that I should optimize my site with websiteoptimization.com.

    Websiteoptimization.com said that it would take 7 seconds to load on a T1. I put in CNN.com, which said it’d take about 55 seconds on a T1. CNN.com was loading faster than my site, so I know there is obviously something wrong with this picture, and it’s not my code!

    I set up a test using a hosting reseller account I have with hostdime.com. I set up my domain with that, and instead of changing the nameservers over I just used the IP address. It took a little trouble with my .htaccess file which I was able to remedy with their livechat tech support over about a half hour.

    So now I have both sites up in my browser. I click on the GoDaddy hosted site first, and then click on the same link in the hostdime hosted site. Hostdime comes up right away, while Godaddy is still chugging along.

    I just thought I would post my experience in case it could be helpful to someone else… but I am definitely convinced that GoDaddy’s php and mysql processing is a joke. I am not impressed with their hosting at all. I’ll continue to use them for domains, because I have for years and I like their prices, but hosting: absolutely not.

    GDHosting, Can you take a look at mine as well?


    OK GDHosting… this is your last chance to redeem your services to me. I just got off the phone with the 5th GD hosting rep in the last week complaining about the same intermittent latency issue on my site (JasonBergman.me) that this nearly year-long thread is all about.

    As ridiculous as it might sound to the readers of this thread, the rep actually thanked me for calling in because… as he said, “it has now been identified as a ‘known issue'”. No further details as to what the actual issue is other that it has now been “identified as a known issue.” Without getting into the obvious… acknowledging that this is in fact an issue helps.

    I concur with KennWebGuy, thinking the culprit lies on the db server side of things since (as I broke it down for the GD rep):

    1) I have another site on the same server (and same LAMP setup) with the same issue but… it’s running on drupal.

    2) The issue is also present while in the WP Admin Panel.

    3) Static pages aren’t effected.

    Hopefully this will get resolved in the next few days. Otherwise I’ll be forced to take my 6+ hosting accounts and 20+ domains elsewhere.

    (BTW, KennWebGuy… you are correct, the front end and the database are indeed on separate servers.)


    Count me in as another WP user being bogged down by Go Daddy. It’s funny how The Go Daddy rep is so concerned but out of 67 responses I haven’t heard 1 resolution other than switch hosts. I am running the same theme, plugins, version and install of WP (2.8.4) on two servers. One on Go Daddy and one on Media Temple. One is fast and one lags. Guess which one lags???

    It has something to do with their slow Mysql because WP in this case is being used as a blog in a sub folder and the main site is running quite fast (It’s a flash site).

    Go Daddy went. The WP website lagged so long i called their techies, then spent days trying to move the site from one of their servers to another. While the techies meant well, they either did not know what they were talking about or did not implement the services I requested changed and paid for. The techies on the phone are great personalities and truly mean well, while trying to get you to spend more money. The lagging issue at Go Daddy, at the time, I was told, was “a server issue.” I am a novice WP user and while it is nice to speak with a friendly service rep that sends you a survey when it is over, but the site was down for 7 days and in the end it was not moved at all. I moved somewhere else. For all the knowledgeable ones out there using GoDaddy and doing well with them, Bless you. I did however get an education on who not to listen to and what can really go wrong. WP forums are a safe place to seek reliable information.
    thanks my rant.

    I had had these issues, they were fixed for a short time after a complaint but it seems worse than ever now as i timeout before ever getting to the site now? How can the free hosting be more stable and faster? I would suggest if you want a word-press host to go elsewhere, IE: not Godaddy.

    I have been using Godaddy for hosting, and have converted a site to WordPress and haven’t noticed anything slowing down. My site seems to load just fine, and I’ve never seen it slow down. Does this load slow? https://www.dailyretirement.com Reading this forum it appears it could be all the plug-ins people are using – this site is only using 1 or 2 plug-ins at the moment.

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