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  • @dids-wp: Featured Post Slider and Featured Category slider is created to highlight your posts. So, it will link to the post. The only way that you can have just image is to use Image Slider which is there only in Pro version.

    In free version, you can remove the link by creating Child theme. For child theme see this Then if you are using Category Slider then you need to copy catchkathmandu_category_sliders() function and add it in your child theme functions.php file and remove the link from the code. Similarly if you are using post slider then you need to use catchkathmandu_post_sliders()

    But to edit these, you need o have code knowledge.

    I have the pro version and I can’t figure out how to remove the links. You say I can using Image Slider in the pro version but I can’t figure out how to do this or find the place where that option is provided. Please help – Thank you – Guillermo Gomez

    Thread Starter Dids-wp


    Hi Sakin, thanks for your help, I’ve tried first to work on a backup of the catchkathmandu-functions.php file (once I get it to work I will put it in the child).

    I’ve tried both catchkathmandu_category_sliders() and catchkathmandu_post_sliders() I removed the link on line 743-745 and 812-814 but it’s not working, the slider still links to the post. Anymore bright ideas?


    @guillermogomezphoto: I check in your site and see that you are using Free version. In pro version, you will have Featured Image Slider, where link is optional. See this

    @dids-wp: After you remove that link in the code. There is transient cache which will take 24 hours to clear it automatically. But you if want to clear that cache then change any value in theme options panel and save change. Then this will clear the cache and you can see the changes immediately.

    For faster response, please post in our support forum at

    Thread Starter Dids-wp


    Whoop whoop! Thank you my friend… the cache was what prevented me from seeing the changes. All done thank you very much ??

    Thank you for your contribution, as you could see from the site it’s a very low budget (just the front page), but I’ll bear in mind to use the pro version when the budget allows it.

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