• I installed the anyfont plugin, uploaded some fonts, created a style name. I’m running php 5 and newest WP version.

    Here’s where I’m lost. Below are the rest of the directions but I’m confused as to where to put the code snippets below and also which code snippets to put in. Do I need to insert code into a php file or the CSS file? Any help would be appreciated. Also, this plugin allows you to use font styles you want either in menus or post titles.

    After you have uploaded some truetype fonts and created a new font style, you can include dynamic images in your theme with the following code snippet:

    “<img src=’/images/your-style-name/the text to be generated.png’ alt=’the text to be generated’ title=’the text to be generated’ />”


    Replacing the text in the menu with an image:

    ” rel=”home”>Home


    ” rel=”home”><img src=”/images/menu/Home.png” alt=”Home” title=”Home” />

    Here’s a link to the authors install page:


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  • You need to edit your theme’s php files for this to work, so for example if you want to change your post titles on your front page, edit the index.php file for your theme, look for the H2 tag related to the posts and then replace the contents of that tag with the code I mention in the docs.

    I am working on a method which will allow you to do this automatically from the settings page and hope to release this feature with the next version sometime this week.

    Thanks for trying out my plugin and enjoy!

    Thread Starter hankeester


    Thank you Choon for the reply,

    I think I’ll wait til the new version comes out to do this.
    I’ve looked over the index file but am lost as to which code
    I need to modify.



    author, please help!!!

    It’s uploading fonts (www.dafont.com/xfiles1.font), but with error cause i don’t see a preview.
    so, after creating a style when in settings i manage any title – it’s changing on my blog but without any text-image. just simple error-blank-image.

    so the problem is at the beggining – when I upload font.

    Please, need help.
    I’d be appreciate for any comments here or (forum@ka81,com) or (icq 94126666)


    new error text when trying to clear the cache in anyfont-settings:

    Warning: rmdir(/data/www/apache22/data/ka81/x-files/wp-content/font-cache) [function.rmdir]: Permission denied in /data/www/apache22/data/ka81/x-files/wp-content/plugins/anyfont/anyfont.php on line 319
    Cache Cleared

    just don’t get it ??

    Had to use padding as the bottom of the headline was cut off. Now I have extra space on the left edge of the headline as well. This forces it out off alignment with the rest of the page.

    Is there a solution?


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