Just to further this non-WP thread: The plain-ol’ text editing capabilities of DW rock! Since the MX version, they’ve integrated most of the old CF Studio/HomeSite functionality. It’s got good tag auto-completion (type a tag, for example, and it generates the closing tag automatically), code hints (start typing a tag, and…if turned on in preferences, it will pop up a list of available attributes for that tag…select an attribute, and it’ll insert it with an expty set of quotes), tag coloring, etc. Since I always select “Make file XHTML compliant” when creating a new page, it’ll even add the closing “/” on image tags, etc. Add to that the built-in validation, built-in O’Reilly tag documentation, excellent site management, and a host of other great features. If you’ve ever created (or integrated) web services, the introspection feature is great, also…
I do all of my hand-coding in DW, and use it’s built-in secure FTP and site mgmt. So, for example, if I change the name of a file/directory/or image, DW will update *all* the links anywhere in my site that were pointing to the old location/name. If I, for example, decide I want to categorize all the images in my /images folder into sub folders: /images/headers, /images/icons, /images/photos, etc., when I drag the images into the newly created folders, DW updates my links for me. Totally rocks.
Oh yeah, and DW has integrated the Lift accessibility suite (whereas it’s an add-on for FP), and DW won’t TOUCH code you’ve created in other apps (unlike FP, which will rewrite the living daylights out of the code until it’s a complete mess), unless you tell it to (using the “Clean up HTML”, “Clean up Word HTML”, or the optional “Clean up FrontPage HTML” menu items.)
I could go on for days…