Unfortunately, we don’t have any updates to provide at this time. We know many users in the community are wanting updates, but as you can imagine switching the entire infrastructure from Google Cloud Print to a new solution has taken time to evaluate options and development. Some partners we evaluated are not able to support the needs of the product. Especially given our objective to maintain a cloud based solution to fulfill the requirement of a printer distributed around a building.
To confirm. Yes, our goal is to maintain a new version of the plugin. This current version developed around GCP will be deprecated with the end of Google Cloud Print and a new version of the plugin will be available with a new cloud print solution. Until we are further along in our development efforts and testing cycles of the new version, we won’t be able to share any details or timelines for availability as things could still change during our development efforts. We hope to have the new solution deployed prior to the shutdown of GCP, but we can’t official confirm that until we make more development progress.
If this is business critical for you, we’d recommend evaluating other options now as a back-up plan to be safe, if our new solution is not ready and available prior to the shutdown on December 31st. Given the uncertainty as you mention, we want to be transparent and make this recommendation.
Again, our intention is to share details once we have more solid product release details, but right now in the middle of development we are cautious to share too much details and timelines. We are a small development company and working hard to have a solution, but as you can understand this is a large undertaking to replace and provide the same quality print solution and functionality enjoyed now by using the plugin.