• I understand that having your blog posted on social sites has many benefits including traffic and ranking. But have you really noticed people using social bookmarking on your site? Do users really use it?

    Have you noticed better results from specific social sites than others?

    I am debating adding it to a plugin i am writing for my website and deciding if I should make room for it and if I do, which sites should I include.

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    IMO, easy Social Bookmarking links don’t drive extra traffic.

    Having good content drives the extra traffic. People don’t share content unless it’s good.

    However, if you do have good content, then easy social bookmarking links makes it much easier for your users to drive that traffic to you.

    I would suggest Facebook and Twitter only, really. The rest are pretty much universally crap. Also add in Digg if you do funny or tech.

    Thread Starter fzeidan


    That is what I was thinking. I see “Share This”, Social Plugin, and others having so many sites to chose from, and majority of them I have never heard of.

    Having exposure is good and I agree, quality targeted content would drive the populariy of the site (and yes SEO optimized, but this is not the topic of discussion). However, I was wondering if others notice usuage from those services.

    If I publish the plugin, i would make it configurable for those who like to over do it, however for my personal use, I am trying to figure out the value of these sites.

    there’s quite a few plugins for the social bookmarkings, but if you want to see your users use them then you will have to first get active on the social sites yourself.

    what actually happens is, when a visitor comes from digg, and read your blog post, and if he really likes it and find other social site buttons, he also votes on mixx, buzz and delicious etc. so chances are that you will get votes on other social sites and start getting traffic from those as well.

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