Any shortcodes available?
Do you have any shortcodes available to display Regular and Sales prices per user role? I am currently still using another RBP plugin and I do have access to shortcode to display the price of an item (variation too) for each user role I have defined. One certain user I have can see the prices of an item (in single page) for all users.
Here is the shortcode/php I am using:
$SR = do_shortcode(‘[wc_rbp id=”‘ . $product->get_id() . ‘” role=”subscriber” price=”regular_price”]’);
I have several other shortcodes as well.
The output is something like this:
Regular Selling
Stylist price: CAD$12.75 CAD$12.75
Customer price: CAD$20.99 CAD$15.99
Boutique price: CAD$10.75 CAD$10.75
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