• Hi! Im new in wordpress and cant find a simple way to put a bakground image to the main menu, the sidebar in my webpage? I dont want to mess to much with the css file so hoped that it was a easier way to just use a plugin for style the menu but cant find anything…i installed some plugins but cant see them in the admin??

    Im using a webhotel so i have downloaded wp and should be able to edit everything and the theme im using is “Twenty Eleven”…

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Pedro


    Hi jojforit,

    You are addressing more questions in the same topic and I’ll take them one by one:

    1. Background image in the main menu & sidebar: I don’t think there is any plugin to do this as it’s quite easy to do using CSS. At least I’m not aware of such a plugin. If you need help with the CSS lines that need to be adjusted for changing the background, let me know.

    2. Messing up with CSS is ok only if you’re using Child_Themes, otherwise all your changes will go away every time a new update is available for your theme.

    3. Plugins not showing up in admin: how did you install them? The more details you provide, the easier will be to find out what’s happening.

    Good luck!

    Thread Starter jojforit


    Thank you for your answer!

    Ok, i see! Nice, i will let you know when im there.
    Yes, i heard before little bit about “Child Themes”. I will look for more info about that.
    I used the installer in the plugins/add new and istalled one called “PixoPoint Menu Plugin”. But could just see it under the “settings” menu. Couldnt see anywhere else to set a new or change the style on the menu or the sidebar in my site. Only have one to customnize and it called under”appearence” for “menus”. And seems that i cant style it just add menu links.



    I installed this plugin on a test site and it doesn’t seem to be fully compatible with Twenty Eleven theme, therefore I don’t recommend using it.

    If you only want to edit the CSS of your menu and sidebar, you can easily create a child theme of Twenty Eleven like this:

    1. Create a folder in your themes folder from your server (/wp-content/themes/) called let’s say my-twentyeleven (don’t use spaces).
    2. Create a file that you call styles.css with the following code inside:

    Theme Name: My Twenty Eleven
    Author: jojforit
    Version: 1.0
    Template: twentyeleven
    Text Domain: twentyeleven
    /* You must first include the original css from the parent theme */
    @import url("../twentyeleven/style.css");

    3. If you go Appearance->Themes in the WP dashboard you’ll see a new theme called My Twenty Eleven by jojforit. Activate it.

    4. Now you can add your own CSS lines that will overwrite the lines from the original Twenty Eleven theme and they won’t be lost when you update the original theme. For example, to change the background color of the menu you can add a line like this in the style.css file that you’ve just created:

    #access {
      background: #123123;

    Good luck!

    Thread Starter jojforit


    Ok, thanks for the detailed explanations was wery helpfull! Just have to find out the right css and tags then:)

    Thanks a lot!

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