• Resolved Ashod


    I have chosen to show the widget on all post pages in secondary widget area. It doesn’t show anywhere. I am using the theme Twenty Ten. Have no problems with other widgets.
    Please advise.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Ashod.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    I could not reconstruct that. In my test site the widget is displayed in the Secondary sidebar.

    Thread Starter Ashod


    Most of the posts in my website are private. Is it possible that the widget is not showing up because of it?
    Also, just have noticed, that even the native “Recent_posts” widget is not showing up. It is very possible that the problem is in my website.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Ashod.
    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    Yes, that is the reason. The plugin displayed only public posts.

    If you want to display both public and private posts try Ultimate Post List.

    Thread Starter Ashod


    No luck with that either. I have discovered that in my categories screen I have 0 posts for any category in the count column. I am having a feeling that the main problems lies right there. If I do not see posts count in my categories screen, no widget will show it, I guess.
    After I have installed the Ultimate Post List, the select list drop-down field was empty.
    I don’t know if you can help me with that, but my search of forums didn’t yield any results.
    Thank you for very fast responses.

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    You have to “publih” the list to see it in the widget, not just saved as a draft.

    Thread Starter Ashod


    Please disregard my previous post. It worked. I didn’t have the new list published. My mistake.
    Thank you for all the attention and time you have given to this matter.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Ashod.

    Привет! Вот такая беда – я вставляю форму подписки на RSS, пару дней назад, на сайт https://youhostings.ru (сайт на вашей теме twentyten), предварительно
    прописав стили, но она отражалась, в начале, вертикальным прямоугольником с уродливо расположенными надписями…
    К сожалению я не сделал скрин этого безобразия… Но через пару часов она начала более, менее отражаться читаемо,
    хотя вытянута была по вертикали, а в стилях она прямоугольная с округлыми углами. И что интересно – слева углы отражались
    округлыми, а справа вообще кусок отрезался. Уменьшал размеры картинки – бесполезно режет правый край и всё…
    Потом решил поменять фон футера, поменял, но отражение именно этой формы подписки опять стало уродливо вытянутым прямоугольником по вертикали…. Я, естественно, его быстро удалил, забыв сделать скрин. Но то, что до этого отражалось я зафиксировал.
    и ещё, на другом моём сайте (https://assisttravel.info) она отражается как надо, я скрин сайта приложил. Я взял стили и Html с этого сайта, заменил
    адрес RSS и всё вставил в тему twentyten, на которой сейчас сайт, а эта тема с прозрачным фоном, как я понял, потому что,
    при замене фона всё (горизонтальное меню, сайд-бар) съезжает куда попало.
    Пришлось фон на место поставить и пока ничего не трогать…
    Так в чём собака могла порыться???

    html и CSS формы подписки на RSS ленту, я могу приложить, если есть необходимость….
    [ <form id=”subscribe” action=”https://feedburner.google.com/house-computer&#8221; method=”post” target=”popupwindow”>
    <div>Получайте свежие статьи сайта.</div>
    <p> Ваш e-mail: </p>
    <p><input type=”text” style=”width:140px” name=”email”/></p>
    <input type=”hidden” value=”youhostings/HSWL” name=”uri”/>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”loc” value=”ru_RU”/>
    <input type=”submit” value=”Подписаться” /></form> ]
    [ #subscribe {
    font-size: 13px; /размер шрифта для ваш email /
    background:url(images/klava_a.jpg); repeat-x scroll center bottom #EAEEF1; /фоновая #99CCCC; картинка /
    border: 2px solid #CCCCCC; /толщина и цвет границ формы. можно пунктиром – dashed или двойные – double /
    border-radius: 7px; /закругленные края формы /
    color: #fff; /цвет текста 455F42формы /
    font-family: arial;
    list-style-type: none;
    margin: 0 0 10px;
    padding: 5px 3px;
    text-align: center;

    subscribe div {
    font-size: 18px;
    margin: 0 0 10px; /нижний отступ для заголовка формы /

    subscribe p {
    margin: 0 0 20px;

    subscribe input {
    border: 1px solid #577753;
    color: #577753;
    padding: 2px;
    } ]

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    Sorry, I can’t understand the russian language. Please use English instead.

    Hello! This is the trouble – I insert the RSS subscription form, a couple of days ago, to the site https://youhostings.ru (the site on your twentyten topic), previously
    ? writing styles, but it was reflected, at the beginning, by a vertical rectangle with ugly inscriptions …
    Unfortunately, I did not make a screen of this disgrace … But after a couple of hours, it began to be more or less reflected in readability
    ? although it was stretched vertically, but in styles it is rectangular with rounded corners.
    And what is interesting – the angles on the left were reflected
    rounded, and on the right in general the piece was cut off. Reduced the size of the picture – useless cuts the right edge and everything …
    Then I decided to change the background of the footer, changed it, but the reflection of this particular form of subscription again became an ugly extended rectangle vertically …. I, of course, quickly deleted it, forgetting to make a screen. But what was previously reflected, I fixed.
    and yet, on my other site (https://assisttravel.info) it is reflected as it should, I attached a site screen.
    I took the styles and html from this site, replaced
    RSS address and put everything in the twentyten theme, on which the site is now (https://youhostings.ru), and this theme with a transparent background, as I understood it, because,
    ? when replacing the background, everything (horizontal menu, side bar) moves out of the way.
    I had to put the background in place and so far nothing to touch …
    So what could a dog rummage ???
    And further. To clean up the time and date of the post is necessary, as I understand it, in the functions? In index.php and single.php nothing is written …
    How can i attach the screenshots ?????

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    Those are no topics of this plugin so I cn not help you, sorry.

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