Hi AnnasGourmetGoodies,
I am afraid you might be looking for more than this plugin can offer. But I can provide an explanation on the clearfix and the vertical-spacer.
The clearfix shortcode adds a <div> with the style clear:both. This should be used after a row of columns, because depending on your layout, content below the row of columns sometimes “jumps” up into the last column in the row. This essentially “clears” the last row so all the content is situated below the row of columns like it should.
The vertical-spacer shortcode does the same thing as the clearfix shortcode, but adds some vertical space as well. This is convenient if you want to place a row of columns below another row of columns.
Unfortunately, there is no way to “glue” a column to another column. This plugin simply uses the column styles that are builtin with every Genesis theme, and this feature is not available. To achieve what you are looking for, my guess you would need some sort of custom HTML, possible a <table> setup.
Please let me know if I can be of any more help.