Antisnews trouble
All the pages of my website work except for my home page. The header is there, but the body is empty. Any ideas about what might be causing this?
Have you tried:
– deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem? If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).
– switching to the default theme to rule out any theme-specific problems?
I have seen this problem before. What version of AntiSnew and WordPress are you running.
[sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]
I have got the same issue. At first the main page is OK. If I go to a post and go back to main page, the page load stops after the slideshow’s part without the slideshow’s content. After a refresh, the page loads again perfectly. When I deactivate the slideshow the issue was gone.
What is the problem with the slideshow?? Is there any bug in the code? I’ve tested under Firefox and Opera and the issue is the same.
AndreyThere is a bug in the cropper.php
Comment out the first die() statement in the show_cache_file function and the theme will work again well…vasax78
Thanks Thanks Thanks … that did it..!I was very frustrated because i really like this theme and I put a lot of work into making it look right for my site. but it but had the silly reloading problem but only when i was logged in.
at first i did not mind so much because i am the only “user” to log in. but now i am ready for the world and could not let other register fearing they would have the same Ya.. thanks for the fix.. so simple. I knew it could not be much of a problem to fix .. just did not know were to look…
my site is….
vasax78 Did i say thank you,,!!! LOL ??
I believe I’m having this same problem – I downloaded version 1.9, followed guidelines in tutorial, then went to switch it to “Live,” but…NOTHING. If I load a specific page address, it shows, but back to home page is blank.
If anyone could take a second to very simply explain the fix suggested above in the cropper.php file, I would be forever grateful. I’m just slightly above “beginner” with code, and I’ve stared and stared at the cropper.php file without discovering where to place the fix.
I am having this problem as well and just like @treerootandtwig, I am a wordpress newbie. I see the area you are wanting us to modify in the cropper.php, and i see the first die() section in the Show_cache_file but i don’t know what it means to “comment out” a section?
mine currently looks like this:
function show_cache_file ($cache_dir, $mime_type,$lastModified,$fcatcropw,$fcatcroph,$tipid) {
if( isset($cache_file_the_cache_file) && !empty($cache_file_the_cache_file))
$cache_file = $cache_dir . ‘/’ . $cache_file_the_cache_file;
}if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
if(isset($cache_file) && !empty($cache_file)){
$gmdate_mod = gmdate(“D, d M Y H:i:s”, filemtime($cache_file));
}if(! strstr($gmdate_mod, “GMT”)) {
$gmdate_mod .= ” GMT”;
// check for updates
$if_modified_since = preg_replace (“/;.*$/”, “”, $_SERVER[“HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE”]);if ($if_modified_since == $gmdate_mod) {
// header(“HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified”);
$fileSize = @filesize ($cache_file);
return $cache_file;
am i in the right section? and if so what am i supposed to do to it exactly?
The comment in php is two slashes. solution is only put two slashes before the die() just like the header command before.
I hope this helps
I am wondering if anyone ever tried this out and if it worked. This seems like the same problem noted on THIS post.
I’m becoming very concerned about this theme, considering this ongoing issue, the dragging time line by the developer, and the problems reported on THIS POST.
I have invested many hours getting my site the way I would like it and to jump ship now on this theme would be a real nightmare.
If I can resolve this loading problem and the additional issue of not having any control over which images is featured with input from other users, it would be much appreciated, thanks!
Thank you such a lot. The //die() works!!!! I really appreciate these forums and wish that one day I will be able to contribute as well.
Can somebody tell me if that //die()solution still works?
Thx@germij: Please stick to the one topic and stop posting to older topics.
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