• armageddondesign


    I’m looking to install a comment spam plugin to proactively combat comment spam before the site I’m working on even goes live.

    What plugin(s) have you/do you use and which do you recommend? I need one that’s going to be as automatic as possible without all the “it’s deleting EVERY comment” crappola.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Marc


    Moderator James Huff


    Spam Karma: https://www.unknowngenius.com/blog/wordpress/spam-karma

    And Spam Nuker, for recovering any Spam karma false positive (I haven’t had any so so far): https://www.chrisjdavis.org/2005/03/05/spam-nuker-151/

    Oh yeah, don’t forget my favorite moderation word list at the moment: MacManX’s!


    (I’m still not using any plugins!)

    Thread Starter armageddondesign


    Marc… I searched the forums before I wrote this post. If the searches were enlightening, I wouldn’t have felt the need to write this post. Notice that the title of the thread is not “Sarcasm recommendations?” *squint*

    A friend is using Trencaspammers for captcha and it works really well for regular spam, but doesn’t deal with trackback or referrer spam. Basically, I’m looking for something along the lines of Pivot Blacklist (which works with amazing efficiency on the Pivot blogs I’ve used it on).

    This is my first attempt at putting together a WP site from scratch (I have experience with MT, Pivot, Greymatter, Blogger and some tweaking experience with WP) and any help would be greatly appreciated.



    I’m looking for more testers of CG-AntiSpam. Since it’s in alpha, I’m recommending it for sites without much ‘real’ commenting, just for safety. I’ll be adding more features over the next week or two for ‘re-grading’ things tagged as spam (nothing marked as spam is physically deleted unless you click the ‘flush’ button in the AntiSpam panel…) to be seen as not-spam, and have that help in further processing.

    Generally, in addition to one of the anti-spam solutions, you want a referral-blocker as well. There’s mine, CG-Referrer, which has a decent enough blacklist at the moment (it just stopped a new referrer spammer in his tracks, even though he switched to new domains!), or if you go with SpamKarma I’d recommend the matching ReferrerKarma to go with it.




    I searched the forums before I wrote this post. If the searches were enlightening, I wouldn’t have felt the need to write this post.

    Considering the amount of material in that search, mostly containing similar information you’re getting here, as well as the existence of the Codex with its input, I’m siding with Marc on the “exhaust other avenues before posting yet-another ‘how should I deal with comment spam’ post” stance.

    Sorry it comes off as sarcastic, but when the same question appears many times those of us who try to help might get a little frustrated.

    Thread Starter armageddondesign


    I decided to go with Owen’s Spam Action. Mainly because Pivot Blacklist has functions based on OSA and I know that they work extremely well within the Pivot environment. I’m hoping they work as well here.

    Thanks for the input, everyone.

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