• Hi there,

    is there a plugin or some other solution to filter or remove (mostly anonymous) hate speech comments (in German)?

    A blacklist for words being removed or replaced by (…) could be a start.
    If more advanced, it could contain:
    -Marking a comment as spam if conditions are met…too many links in the comment, a certain amount of trigger words (“greylist”)
    -or auto-deleting it.
    -blocking the sender after a few “forbidden” comment attempts, or at least requiring authentication

    I will have a look if Antispam Bee can do this…


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  • The best solution is to not allow anonymous comments and to have human moderation. Some of your wishlist is already part of WordPress’ default comment functionality so do check out Settings->Comments to see what’s built in. As for plugins that can assist in comment moderation – I don’t have any off the top of my head but I would do a search for “comment moderation” to see what might be available. Also nice Gravatar – La Linea is pretty awesome!

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