• I’ve looked “everywhere” and have not found an answer, I need help in redirecting the link when my name is clicked on instead of my answer. https://www.it-begins-now.com, when I reply to a post if the response is clicked on it returns to the post page as it should but if my name that preceedes the resposne is clicked it links to Joomla!’s installation page. The only time I visited Joomla’s site was linking from another WP blog just to see what it was about, I did not instal the program. Blogging is all VERY new to me and I’ve read quite a bit so I would start off right but this (as many things are at this time)is beyond me. How do I get my name to link back to my site? Any help would be most appreciated.
    ps when it asks for tags on a question/comment like this what would I enter?

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  • Hi,
    Oh wow, I see what you mean. Your “Ann” goes to that nasty spot. And friends never let friends use Joomla, so I had to respond!

    I found it: Your “Ann” is pointing to the URL without dashes. But the root of your WP site actually has the dashes in it!

    The site without dashes must have a Joomla redirect set up in it, which forwards you to that funny place.

    So all you need to do is be sure you have the “with dashes” URL when you type in a response. OR you may need to correct that in your WP User details. Should fix you right up!

    In the meantime, you’ll unfortunately need to edit the comment responses that you made. I don’t know a quick way to do that.

    Cheers, Dave

    Thread Starter alteredessence


    THANK YOU SO MUCH! Thankfully, I am very new and only had a few posts and responses, so I went in and changed them all, then changed my User detail and IT WORKED! Your suggestion is most appreciated. If you haven’t gathered yet, it made me very happy.
    Thanks again for takeing the time out to be a FRIEND,

    by the way the tag thing is throwing me, any thoughts on that?

    You’re quite welcome, glad I could help! We’re all beginners at some point.

    I’m not quite sure I follow you on the tag question… it threw me at first, because you mentioned tags in relation to comments, and I didn’t recall that comments could have tags, so I double-checked.

    Unless you have a special plugin that allows tags for comments, I’m thinking you might be referring to tags on Posts. These are optional, but can be used to group Posts together. Example: say you have a blog about fruit. Within that blog you happen to have four Posts about apples. So on each of those Posts, you write in “apples” as the Tag for each Post.

    If your theme is normally set up, you should get a list of tags on your site, usually in the sidebar (but could be elsewhere), and this is often called a “tag cloud”, because you’ll see a more-or-less cloud shaped bunch of “tags”. In our example, you’ll see “apples” as one of the tags. You click that, and this gives you a list of (and links to) those 4 articles about apples. So it’s just another way to organize things.

    Categories also help organize things, of course. But maybe you don’t want an Apples category, maybe you just want these categories: citrus fruit, tropical fruit, and fruits in juices. But having the “apples” tag gives you a way to quickly find the apple stuff without having too many categories – like if you had made a category for every fruit; your menu would get crazy pretty fast.

    I hope that helps.

    Cheers, Dave

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