• Anth1892


    Hi there I’ve noticed I’m not the only one with the error issue of:

    “Please move the YARPP template files into your theme to complete installation. Simply move the sample template files (currently in wp-content/plugins/yet-another-related-posts-plugin/yarpp-templates/) to the /hermes/web09/b2379/moo.baldnomadcom/wp-content/themes/canvas directory.”

    Anyway, I’ve tried many thing and Googled peoples experience of this. One guy said he just left it as it was and the plugin still worked with the related posts as required.

    I did the same and I have SOME posts correctly related e.g. The end of “January Financial report” shows the option of “December financial report.”

    Sweet. But really obvious ones that both have the terms “save money” and “world travel” show no relative posts when they should. Is there anything I can do to make it better or is it just pot luck?


    My website if you need it is: https://www.manvsclock.com

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