Another false positive??
I had posted this in another thread a couple of days ago but can not see the thread in the most recent posts here in this forum.
I also getting malware scan of files which was restored from a month old backup of the site which had been previously scanned by Wordfence without an issue:
Filename: 087d257c6f0910e0993a1fa900c3028881e2128e.php
File Type: Not a core, theme, or plugin file from
Details: This file appears to be installed or modified by a hacker to perform malicious activity. If you know about this file you can choose to ignore it to exclude it from future scans. The matched text in this file is: preg_match(‘/^application\/json/i’, $_SERVER[‘CONTENT_TYPE’])))\x0a\x09echo handleRequest(file_get_contents(‘php://input’The issue type is: Uploader:PHP/uploadinput
Description: Uploads file from php inputDoing a Google search for the string in the php appears that the file in question may be in fact from “WebsiteDefender Agent and verification file”
Hi @frustrated999,
It may not have been detected as malicious on previous versions of Wordfence (Wordfence updates its definitions automatically).
Can you provide the entire
source code? If it matchedhandleRequest(file_get_contents(‘php://input’
it does seem suspicious.Dave
I have replaced the hash in the first two lines with text.
<?php define('PAS_RES', 'twentycharacterhash'); define('PAS_REQ', '2ndtwentycharacterhash'); define('RSA_LEN', '256'); define('RSA_PUB', '65537'); define('RSA_MOD', '68834264741305768779397693647181730596161115016405397749198163566465384397919'); define('DEFLATE_RESPONSE_DATA', True); header('Content-type: application/json'); error_reporting(0); $version=2;$requestId='0';$jsonRPCVer='2.0'; if(!function_exists('property_exists')) { function property_exists($class, $property) { if(is_object($class))$vars=get_object_vars($class); else $vars=get_class_vars($class); return array_key_exists($property, $vars); } } function senzorErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { switch ($errno) { case E_NOTICE: case E_USER_NOTICE: case E_WARNING: case E_USER_WARNING: return True; case E_ERROR: $code = 0; break; case E_USER_ERROR: $code = 1; break; default: $code = 2; } if(function_exists('json_encode')) { $message = "{$errstr} ({$errfile} Line: {$errline})"; $response = json_encode(array('jsonrpc' => $GLOBALS['jsonRPCVer'],'id'=>$GLOBALS['requestId'],'error'=>array('code'=>$code,'message'=> $message))); } else { $message = "{$errstr}"; $response = "{\"jsonrpc\":{$GLOBALS['jsonRPCVer']},\"id\":{$GLOBALS['requestId']},\"error\":{\"code\":{$code},\"message\":\"{$message}\"}}"; } die($response); } set_error_handler("senzorErrorHandler"); if(!function_exists('json_encode')) { if (!file_exists("compat/json.php")) trigger_error("#COMPAT-JSON#", E_USER_ERROR); require_once("compat/json.php"); function json_encode($data) { $json = new Services_JSON(); return($json->encode($data)); } } if(!function_exists('json_decode')) { if(!file_exists("compat/json.php")) trigger_error("#COMPAT-JSON#", E_USER_ERROR); function json_decode($data) { $json = new Services_JSON(); return($json->decode($data)); } } if(function_exists('bcmod')) define('BCMOD', true); else { if(!file_exists("compat/array_fill.php")||!file_exists("compat/bcpowmod.php")||!file_exists("compat/biginteger.php")) trigger_error("#COMPAT-BI#", E_USER_ERROR); require_once("compat/array_fill.php"); require_once("compat/bcpowmod.php"); require_once("compat/biginteger.php"); } function rsa_encrypt($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength, $notSigning = true) { $result = ''; $chunkLength = intval($keylength / 8) - 11; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($message); $i=$i+$chunkLength) { $padded = add_PKCS1_padding(substr($message, $i, $chunkLength), $notSigning, intval($keylength/8)); $number = binary_to_number($padded); $encrypted = pow_mod($number, $public_key, $modulus); $binary = number_to_binary($encrypted, intval($keylength/8)); $result .= $binary; } return $result; } function rsa_decrypt($message, $private_key, $modulus, $keylength) { $result = ''; $chunkLength = intval($keylength/8); for($i = 0; $i < strlen($message); $i=$i+$chunkLength) { $number = binary_to_number(substr($message, $i, $chunkLength)); $decrypted = pow_mod($number, $private_key, $modulus); $presult = number_to_binary($decrypted, $chunkLength); $pres = remove_PKCS1_padding($presult, $chunkLength); if ($pres === FALSE) return FALSE; $result .= $pres; } return $result; } function rsa_sign($message, $private_key, $modulus, $keylength) { return rsa_encrypt($message, $private_key, $modulus, $keylength, false); } function rsa_verify($message, $signature, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength) { $result = false; $result = ($message==rsa_decrypt($signature, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength)); return $result; } function pow_mod($p, $q, $r) { if(defined('BCMOD')) { $factors = array(); $div = $q; $power_of_two = 0; while(bccomp($div, "0") == 1) //BCCOMP_LARGER { $rem = bcmod($div, 2); $div = bcdiv($div, 2); if($rem) array_push($factors, $power_of_two); $power_of_two++; } $partial_results = array(); $part_res = $p; $idx = 0; foreach($factors as $factor) { while($idx < $factor) { $part_res = bcpow($part_res, "2"); $part_res = bcmod($part_res, $r); $idx++; } array_push($partial_results, $part_res); } $result = "1"; foreach($partial_results as $part_res) { $result = bcmul($result, $part_res); $result = bcmod($result, $r); } return $result; } //Math_BigInteger implementation $p = new Math_BigInteger($p); $q = new Math_BigInteger($q); $r = new Math_BigInteger($r); $x = $p->modPow($q, $r); return $x->toString(); } function add_PKCS1_padding($data, $isPublicKey, $blocksize) { $pad_length = $blocksize - 3 - strlen($data); if($isPublicKey) { $block_type = "\x02"; $padding = ""; for($i = 0; $i < $pad_length; $i++) $padding .= chr(mt_rand(1, 255)); } else { $block_type = "\x01"; $padding = str_repeat("\xFF", $pad_length); } return "\x00" . $block_type . $padding . "\x00" . $data; } function remove_PKCS1_padding($data, $blocksize) { #bad data length if(strlen($data) != $blocksize) return FALSE; if(($data[0]!="\0") || ( ($data[1] != "\x01") && ($data[1] != "\x02") )) return FALSE; #bad padding type $offset = strpos($data, "\0", 1); return substr($data, $offset + 1); } function binary_to_number($data) { if(defined('BCMOD')) { $base = "256"; $radix = "1"; $result = "0"; for($i = strlen($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $digit = ord($data{$i}); $part_res = bcmul($digit, $radix); $result = bcadd($result, $part_res); $radix = bcmul($radix, $base); } return $result; } //Math_BigInteger implementation $result = new Math_BigInteger(); $p = new Math_BigInteger("0x100", 16); $m = new Math_BigInteger("0x01", 16); for($i=strlen($data)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { if(defined('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE') && defined('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE_INTERNAL') && (MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE == MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE_INTERNAL)) { $d = new Math_BigInteger(); $d->value = array(ord($data[$i])); } else $d = new Math_BigInteger(ord($data[$i])); $d = $d->multiply($m); $m = $m->multiply($p); $result = $result->add($d); } return $result->toString(); } function hex_to_binary($hex, $blocksize) { $result = ''; for($i = 0; $i < (strlen($hex) - 1); $i = $i + 2) $result = $result . pack('H2', substr($hex, $i, 2)); $result = pack('H'.sprintf('%d',strlen($hex)), $hex); return str_pad($result, $blocksize, "\x00", STR_PAD_LEFT); } function number_to_binary($number, $blocksize) { if(defined('BCMOD')) { $base = "256"; $num = $number; $result = ""; while($num > 0) { $mod = bcmod($num, $base); $num = bcdiv($num, $base); $result = chr($mod) . $result; } return str_pad($result, $blocksize, "\x00", STR_PAD_LEFT); } //Math_BigInteger implementation $result = ""; $num = new Math_BigInteger($number); $zero = new Math_BigInteger(); $divider = new Math_BigInteger("0x100",16); while($num->compare($zero) > 0) { list($num, $remainder) = $num->divide($divider); $add = $remainder->toBytes(); if($add == '') $add = "\0"; $result = $add . $result; } return str_pad($result, $blocksize, "\x00", STR_PAD_LEFT); } function rsa_sign_b64($message, $private_key, $modulus, $keylength) { return base64_encode(rsa_sign($message, $private_key, $modulus, $keylength)); } function rsa_verify_b64($message, $signature, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength) { return rsa_verify($message, base64_decode($signature), $public_key, $modulus, $keylength); } function rsa_encrypt_b64($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength) { return base64_encode(rsa_encrypt($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength)); } function rsa_decrypt_b64($message, $private_key, $modulus, $keylength) { return rsa_decrypt(base64_decode($message), $private_key, $modulus, $keylength); } function get_rnd_iv($iv_len) { $iv = ''; while ($iv_len-- > 0) $iv .= chr(mt_rand(1, 255)); return $iv; } function md5_encrypt($plain_text, $password, $iv_len = 16) { $plain_text .= "\x13"; $n = strlen($plain_text); if ($n % 16) $plain_text .= str_repeat("\0", 16 - ($n % 16)); $i = 0; $enc_text = get_rnd_iv($iv_len); $iv = substr($password ^ $enc_text, 0, 512); while ($i < $n) { $block = substr($plain_text, $i, 16) ^ pack('H*', md5($iv)); $enc_text .= $block; $iv = substr($block . $iv, 0, 512) ^ $password; $i += 16; } return base64_encode($enc_text); } function md5_decrypt($enc_text, $password, $iv_len = 16) { $enc_text = base64_decode($enc_text); $n = strlen($enc_text); $i = $iv_len; $plain_text = ''; $iv = substr($password ^ substr($enc_text, 0, $iv_len), 0, 512); while ($i < $n) { $block = substr($enc_text, $i, 16); $plain_text .= $block ^ pack('H*', md5($iv)); $iv = substr($block . $iv, 0, 512) ^ $password; $i += 16; } return preg_replace('/\\x13\\x00*$/', '', $plain_text); } function handleRequest($request = '') { if((!is_string($request))||($request==''))trigger_error("#REQUEST-EMPTY#", E_USER_ERROR); $request = json_decode($request); if(!is_object($request))trigger_error("#REQUEST-JSON#", E_USER_ERROR); if( (!property_exists($request, 'jsonrpc')) || (!property_exists($request, 'id')) || (!property_exists($request, 'method')) || (!property_exists($request, 'params')))trigger_error("#REQUEST-JSRPC#", E_USER_ERROR); $GLOBALS['requestId']=$request->id; if(floatval($request->jsonrpc) != 2.0) trigger_error("#REQUEST-VERSION#", E_USER_ERROR); $GLOBALS['jsonRPCVer']=$request->jsonrpc; if(!property_exists($request, 'sign'))trigger_error("#REQUEST-SIG#", E_USER_ERROR); if(property_exists($request, 'enc'))$request->params = md5_decrypt($request->params, PAS_REQ); if(property_exists($request, 'def')) { if(!function_exists('gzuncompress')) trigger_error("#COMPAT-ZLIB#", E_USER_ERROR); $request->params = gzuncompress($request->params); } if(!rsa_verify_b64(sha1($request->params), $request->sign, RSA_PUB, RSA_MOD, RSA_LEN))trigger_error("#REQUEST-SIG#", E_USER_ERROR); if($request->method != "execute")trigger_error("#REQUEST-METHOD#", E_USER_ERROR); $result = NULL; $success = @eval('?>'.$request->params); if($success === FALSE) trigger_error("#REQUEST-PROCESSING#", E_USER_ERROR); $result = json_encode($result); $response = array ('jsonrpc' => $GLOBALS['jsonRPCVer'], 'id' => $request->id); if(function_exists('gzcompress') && DEFLATE_RESPONSE_DATA && (strlen($result) > 100)) { $response['def'] = true; $result = gzcompress($result, 6); } $result = md5_encrypt($result, PAS_RES); $response['enc'] = true; $response['result'] = $result; return json_encode($response); } if (($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST')&&(!empty($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']))&&(preg_match('/^application\/json/i', $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']))) echo handleRequest(file_get_contents('php://input')); ?>
Hi again!
Yes, it indeed seems to be one of the files you installed when you signed up with
(Website defender).This is a false positive and you can safely ignore this warning. You were right to censor out the hash lines, as this would give an attacker potential to run any commands they want on your site.
In the code, there is
which is safely wrapped around a check forrsa_verify_b64(sha1($request->params)
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