• I cannot make a local backup of my site. I keep getting this message:

    “The backup could not be started; another backup is already in progress.” The thing is, this is NOT true. I did manage to actually do an online one through my blogvault account and upload it to dropbox, but cannot seem able to do any local backups because it thinks that I’m in the middle of one. Please help!

    Online Backup for WordPress Plugin Version 3.0.4
    WordPress Version: 3.8.3 (standalone)
    PHP Version: 5.2.17
    Server Software: Apache
    MySQL Server Version: 5.5.33-log
    MySQL Client Version: 1.0; MySQL Packet Size: 32 MiB
    Memory: 256M; Post: 33M; Upload: 32M; Timeout: 0
    Memory Changable: Yes; Admin Cache Size: 177.08 KiB
    Status: 0 rows (!)
    Capabilities: gzdeflate php5hash DES AES128 AES192 AES256
    End of Information


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