They are not stored at all. We recognize returning visitors by a cookie that is set in their browser. The cookie also doesn’t have any identifiable data in it, just that they are a “returning visitor” without any unique identifier.
Hope that helps. If you have any questions, please let me know!
However, I just installed Koko Analytics but do not see any data in the dashboard.
I can see that a cookie has been set frontend from Koko.
We use Wp Engine shared hosting plan.
Is there anything specific I need to adress here?
Data is aggregated periodically via WP Cron, so maybe you just needed to waut a few minutes for the data to show?
If still nothing is showing up, there may be some issue with your Wp-Cron setup, the part of WordPress that executes background tasks. If you manually visit yoursite .com/wp-cron.php (it loads a white page, that’s normal) do the analytics show up?
I have run /wp-cron.php multiple times and waited some time between each visit to the site.
A few visits actually show up on the dashboard now but strangely only a few “front page” -visits.
“pageviews.php” is still not present in the “uploads” folder, should I add that manually somehow?
Should I try the “optimized tracking endpoint” -method?
Note that only pages that have an ID will show up. So archive / category pages will currently not show in the Koko analytics view. Could that explain it?
The plugin should normally switch to the best available endpoint method automatically. If any data show up, the endpoint is not the issue, but it’s always worth it to switch to the optimized endpoint if you can.
I tried installing Koko Analytics on another live site, without password protection (also on WP Engine shared hosting) and I discovered that if I open the browser console I see:
“Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 () koko-analytics-collect.php:1” …while browsing the site publicly.
However browsing the site while logged in as administrator there is no 500 error in the console, and there seems to be statistics data loaded into the dashboard as well.