*Looks. Oh. That’s cute.*
You really should not have left an insult like that.
*Drinks coffee*
OK! First things first.
@designwall Your account is now on moderation watch and you are getting reported to the plugins team for your behavior.
The reason why is the second item.
Second item: I do not like sock puppets.
The fake sock puppet account you created @primetimetran is now blocked. See, you created that account and left a fake review. And I did not catch you! Good job.
But now I am going to look at all of the reviews for your plugins. The questionable ones will get the axe and each account will be blocked. Each account will be tallied and that will also be reported to the plugins team.
*Finishes coffee*
In a few hours I will probably delete my reply and normally I do not call out people for their behavior like this. You will get the email this post generates and yes, people sometimes make other people angry online.
But you should not have resorted to name calling and you should not have used a fake account.