Announcement of Tiny Forge v1.5.5
Version history (changelog) also available at:
Tiny Forge v1.5.5 (2014-02-17)
——————————–– Enhancement: highlight calendar widget dates containing an article with bold font. Thanks Pascal46 ( ) for the idea!
– Enhancement: Improved printing CSS styles: removed videos, changed blockqoute color, enabled visible URLs for the content links, other small aesthetic improvements.
– Enhancement: corrected function name for remove_post_formats.
– Enhancement: updated code for Tip24 – now no-border CSS class can also be used for images in widgets.
– Enhancement: added more options for the Tip08 – Remove junk from head.
– Enhancement: updated editor-style.css to better reflect Tiny Forge CSS style.
– Enhancement: enclosed function tinyforge_the_title_trim (the one that changes a title for protected and private posts) in if ! function_exists, to make it easy to replace this function in child themes in case you want to disable sanitizing of title, etc. (functions.php). Also added modified function to the child theme example, see section 1.3 in its functions.php. Big thanks to Brett Holman @ for the idea how to fix it!
– Enhancement: use the ‘display’ filter for get_bloginfo( ‘name’ ) attached to the wp_title filter (via Twenty Twelve: ).
– Enhancement: improved Tip02 – Optional code to enable favicon. Now favicon can be displayed not only for the website, but also for admin area and login page.
– Enhancement: wrapped tinyforge_content_width in if ! function_exists (functions.php).– Translation: updated German translation – BIG thanks to Ralph Stieber.
– Bug fix: corrected small bug in Tip05. Now pages with subpages also get dropdown icon in top menu. Thanks Chris Urick ( ) for reporting.
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